David Milsont
3 min readSep 30, 2015

4 Ways to Stop Birds From Taking Over Your Home

Birds are often seen as majestic creatures but this soon changes when you get an unwanted infestation of them in your home. Certain species of birds are very opportunistic and will make their home anywhere they can. Birds can cause all manner of problems when they choose to nest in your home. Their droppings are not only unsightly but can very easily spread disease. They’ll also leave debris that can block up drainpipes.

In order to ensure that your home stays free of birds, below are 4 great tips to follow –

Make Your Home Unappealing As A Nesting Site

Birds will look for open and damaged areas to build their nest in your home. They are not fussy about what the area looks like, as long as It’s accessible to them. Open and exposed areas of your home therefore, always have the potential to attract birds to nest there. To help avoid this you should fix up any areas of your home that are run down and seal up any holes as soon as possible.

Pick the Right Feeders

A lot of people like to leave feeders out for birds, and whilst this is great for attracting smaller birds that don’t come with the risk of infesting your home, what happens when more troublesome species show up? There are a couple of ways round this problem. Firstly you can pick a feeder that’s only suitable for certain species i.e. the ones you don’t mind having around. Secondly you can simply remove the feeder if problems species show up and then put it back up once they’ve gone.

Don’t Leave Any Open Sources Of Food

One of the biggest things that attracts birds to a particular area is food. If there are open sources of food available near your home then they’re going to find it an attractive place to stay. To ensure that you don’t have to deal with this problem you should make sure that any garbage outside your home is not accessible and that your home itself is kept as clean and tidy as possible.

Use Prevention Methods

The above three tips are good for keeping birds away in the first place but depending on the type of property you have and the area you live in, you may have to use different tactics to keep birds away. Below are some effective bird control solutions from Total bird control that can be used in the home –

Netting — Netting is a very simple yet effective means of keeping birds away from your property. Once installed it will prevent any birds from being able to perch where it’s used.

Decoy animals — Just like a farmer uses a scarecrow, you can use artificial decoy animals to scare birds away. They’re not effective in all cases but certainly worth trying since they’re a safe, clean and affordable means of bird control.

Distress call systems — When birds sense danger they emit a warning sound. You can buy products that mimic this sound digitally and they can be very effective at keeping birds away from your property.

About the Author:

David has a strong interest in bird control. His articles cover topics such as how to keep birds out of the home.