The New Stone Mason

Secrecy is the soul of our society

7 min readMar 24, 2023


Stonemasons have been an important part of human civilization for thousands of years. They were skilled craftsmen who worked with stone to create buildings, monuments, sculptures, and other structures.

In ancient times, stonemasons were responsible for building many of the most iconic structures in the world, such as the pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, and the Colosseum in Rome. In the Middle Ages, stonemasons were involved in the construction of castles, cathedrals, and other monumental buildings throughout Europe.

Secrecy was an important aspect of the stonemason’s craft in medieval Europe. Stonemasons formed guilds or societies that were responsible for training new members and maintaining high standards of craftsmanship. These guilds had strict rules and regulations that governed their members’ behavior, including secrecy about their craft.

The secrecy was intended to protect the stonemason’s intellectual property and prevent their techniques from being copied by others. It also allowed them to maintain a sense of exclusivity and control over their craft, which was important for maintaining their status and reputation in society.

Some stonemasons used secret codes or symbols to communicate with each other and identify themselves as members of the guild. These symbols were often carved into the stone that they worked on, and can still be seen on many historic buildings throughout Europe today.


Silicon integrated circuits, also known as silicon chips or microchips, are electronic devices made from semiconductor materials, typically silicon. They are the backbone of modern electronics and are used in virtually all electronic devices, including computers, smartphones, televisions, and many other electronic devices.

An integrated circuit (IC) is a small electronic device that contains many components, such as transistors, capacitors, and resistors, all etched onto a tiny piece of silicon or other semiconductor material. The components are interconnected with tiny wires or metal lines to form a circuit that performs a specific function, such as amplifying a signal or performing a logic operation.

Silicon integrated circuits can be classified into two types: analog and digital. Analog integrated circuits are used to process continuous signals, such as sound or video, while digital integrated circuits are used to process discrete signals, such as data or instructions.

Integrated circuits have revolutionized the electronics industry by making electronic devices smaller, faster, and more reliable. They are able to perform complex operations in a very small space, making them ideal for use in portable devices and other space-constrained applications.

The development of silicon integrated circuits has been a major driver of the growth of the electronics industry over the past several decades. Today, billions of silicon chips are produced every year, powering the digital economy and transforming the way we live and work.

Silicon chips are typically made from a type of semiconductor material called silicon. Silicon is a non-metallic element that is abundant in nature, and has unique electrical properties that make it ideal for use in the creation of electronic components and devices.

The process of creating a silicon chip involves a complex series of steps that begins with the production of a pure silicon crystal. This crystal is then sliced into thin wafers that are typically a few millimeters thick.

The wafers are then subjected to a series of chemical and physical processes to create the microscopic patterns and circuits that make up the integrated circuits on the chip. These processes typically involve the use of photolithography, which uses light to etch tiny patterns onto the surface of the wafer.

The process of photolithography involves coating the wafer with a light-sensitive material called a photoresist. The wafer is then exposed to ultraviolet light through a mask that contains the desired pattern. The photoresist is then developed to reveal the pattern, which is then used as a template for the subsequent process steps.

Additional steps may include the deposition of thin layers of metal or other materials onto the wafer to create the necessary electrical connections and components. Once the integrated circuits have been created, the wafer is cut into individual chips and packaged for use in electronic devices.

The process of creating a silicon chip is highly complex and requires significant expertise in materials science, physics, and engineering. It also requires significant investment in research and development to continually improve the performance and functionality of the chips.

The Process

Silicon chips are typically made from a type of semiconductor material called silicon. Silicon is a non-metallic element that is abundant in nature, and has unique electrical properties that make it ideal for use in the creation of electronic components and devices.

The process of creating a silicon chip involves a complex series of steps that begins with the production of a pure silicon crystal. This crystal is then sliced into thin wafers that are typically a few millimeters thick.

The wafers are then subjected to a series of chemical and physical processes to create the microscopic patterns and circuits that make up the integrated circuits on the chip. These processes typically involve the use of photolithography, which uses light to etch tiny patterns onto the surface of the wafer.

The process of photolithography involves coating the wafer with a light-sensitive material called a photoresist. The wafer is then exposed to ultraviolet light through a mask that contains the desired pattern. The photoresist is then developed to reveal the pattern, which is then used as a template for the subsequent process steps.

Additional steps may include the deposition of thin layers of metal or other materials onto the wafer to create the necessary electrical connections and components. Once the integrated circuits have been created, the wafer is cut into individual chips and packaged for use in electronic devices.

The process of creating a silicon chip is highly complex and requires significant expertise in materials science, physics, and engineering. It also requires significant investment in research and development to continually improve the performance and functionality of the chips.

The Masters of Lithography

Lithography is a critical process in the creation of silicon chips, as it is used to print the microscopic patterns and circuits onto the silicon wafers that make up the integrated circuits on a chip. The lithography process determines the resolution and accuracy of the patterns that are printed onto the wafer, which in turn affects the performance and functionality of the chip.

ASML is a world leader in the production of lithography machines, which are used to create these patterns on the wafer. One of the key factors that sets ASML apart from its competitors is its use of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography technology.

EUV lithography uses a much shorter wavelength of light than traditional lithography, allowing for much finer patterns to be printed onto the wafer. This has enabled ASML to produce chips with much higher performance and functionality than was previously possible. EUV lithography is also more efficient than traditional lithography, allowing for faster and more cost-effective production of chips.

The development of EUV lithography technology was a major breakthrough in the semiconductor industry, and ASML has played a key role in its development and commercialization. The company has invested heavily in research and development to improve the performance and capabilities of its lithography machines, and has collaborated with major chip manufacturers to develop and refine the technology.

ASML’s lithography machines are also known for their high throughput and efficiency. This allows chip manufacturers to produce more chips in less time, reducing costs and increasing production capacity. The machines are also highly automated, reducing the need for manual intervention and improving consistency and quality.

The Secrets of the Guild

Mastering the lithography process in chip manufacturing and keeping it a secret can be seen as the equivalent of the stonemasons of old in terms of the importance of specialized knowledge and the need for secrecy to maintain a competitive advantage.

Just as the stonemasons of old were skilled craftsmen who worked with stone to create buildings, sculptures, and other structures, semiconductor manufacturers today must be skilled in the lithography process to create the microscopic patterns and circuits that make up integrated circuits on a chip.

The lithography process is a critical component of chip manufacturing, as it determines the resolution and accuracy of the patterns that are printed onto the wafer. To achieve the necessary precision, semiconductor manufacturers must develop specialized knowledge and techniques to optimize the lithography process.

Furthermore, just as the stonemasons of old had secret codes and symbols to communicate with each other and identify themselves as members of the guild, semiconductor manufacturers must keep their lithography techniques and knowledge confidential to maintain a competitive advantage. The lithography process is highly complex and requires significant expertise in materials science, physics, and engineering. Even small improvements in lithography techniques can lead to significant advancements in chip performance, so semiconductor manufacturers guard their lithography techniques as trade secrets.

The importance of specialized knowledge and the need for secrecy to maintain a competitive advantage is a common theme in many industries throughout history, including the stonemasons of old and semiconductor manufacturers today. While the technologies and materials may be vastly different, the fundamental principles of specialized knowledge and secrecy remain the same.




“That which can warm us, can also incinerate us” — Edwin Black