Drip your avatar part2

Dwayne Paisley-Marshall
5 min readApr 26, 2022


Would you like to dress your avatar in the latest drip?

I’ve documented my process on how I have dressed an avatar in Fashion items, there are of course many ways to do this, so I am not saying my way is the only way, however, as always I like to share anything I learn so others may benefit from it.

Before we begin, if you’ve not had a chance to check out Drip your avatar, I’d give that a quick read as it does provide a basis for what I am about to explain.

Here are the plugins/assets you’ll need

  1. SKETCH FAB — this plugin allows you to import free assets directly into Blender.
  2. Here is the avatar I have used isn’t rigged if you wanted to follow along here is the avatar https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/bam-2-basic-anime-male-update-on-requests-5de6d8f254e443b999bd6c6c6e837fc4

Gathering and preparing the assets

Once you’ve got an avatar to hand, make sure you do two things.

  1. Rig it
  2. Or use Mixamo auto rigging feature, all you need to do is upload your avatar(FBX) into Mixamo, choose an animation*, and download the avatar

When importing an FBX from Mixamo into Blender make sure you open the Armature setting and select, Automatic Bone Orientation.

Remove the animation by activating the Maximo plugin and selecting Zero Out Rig

This will remove any animations from your avatar.

How to change the reset pose.

With an avatar you may want to have two poses, reset poses and a postposition, you can’t change the position of the reset pose by going into pose mode and making changes, it’s not that simple.

Following these steps will allow you to change the reset pose.

Select the pose position option and go into Pose mode to make the necessary changes

Next step Go back into Object mode, select the base mesh and go into the modifier tab, once in there duplicate the armature( it will look weird but keep going)

Apply the top armature

Select the armature and go back into pose mode

Select the whole armature and go to pose > Apply > Apply to pose a rest pose

Voila you’ve now successfully changed the rest pose for your avatar

How to add trainers

So when adding trainers to an avatar you have to parent the shoe to the correct bone (Right foot, or left foot) you can use pose mode to check which leg you’ve selected

Once you know the right foot, select the trainer, and the bone then hit (command p) choose both options, Keep transform and set parent to Bone.

To test all has worked correctly, go into pose mode and rotate the leg to see the desired effect

How to add clothing (Automatic weight transfer)

I have used this asset https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/cyberpunk-2077-vs-jacket-d8caad07019141a0963aa66abb0efbf7 if you want to follow along

Here are the steps you need to follow

  1. Follow the steps in How to change the reset pose in order to fit the jacket onto the avatar
  2. Then you can use combine the item with the armature, using automatic weights, select the item, shift select the armature (command p) select automatic weights

As always go into pose mode and test the rotation, to make sure the item is moving with the armature.

How to add clothing (Data weight transfer)

Select the Armature/Rig, and shift select the item, command P and choose (Armature, with empty groups)

Just to check that there isn’t movement already applied

Under the Data transfer modifier, select the base model as the src and add the other options in the screenshot below.

Once you’re finished applying the modifier and you’re all finished.

And that’s it you’re done.

Tips and Tricks (T&T)

When selecting your object if you don’t want to select an element, toggle the Selectable tab, and this till toggle an element to be selectable or not

