Winning A Major Title In WWE Doesn’t Mean “You Deserve It”

DPP chimes in on the notion that champions in WWE are deserving, as many fans like to chant.

Dan Phelan
4 min readSep 19, 2017

In somewhat of a follow up to my previous submission about overused phrases, I turn my attention to the WWE Universe and all the crowds that are using unwarranted chants.

While I’m sure the superstars in the WWE are happy to hear a “You deserve it” chant when they win a major title, we are really over-using these terms. It seems every person who wins the title these days is getting this treatment. Not everyone “deserves” it, and I hope I’m not the only one who feels that way.

When Bray Wyatt won the WWE Title at the Elimination Chamber in February, the fans chanted “You deserve it” at the following Smackdown. Bray Wyatt, whose character has been wasted with repetitive promos followed by loss after loss. The character had no business winning the title at that point. I’m sorry, but he certainly didn’t “deserve it.” And the fact that it was taken from him just a short while later at WrestleMania proves it. We need to save these moments for superstars who really do deserve it. Guys like Braun Strowman, who has worked his ass off as they have given him this opportunity. He’s stepped up every time, has continuously improved every aspect of his character, and has proven that he deserves to be at the top of the mountain. And when he finally wins the title, perhaps this weekend at No Mercy, there is someone you can chant “you deserve it” to.

There’s two other crowd loving phrases that are echoed through the arenas at every show it seems. Those would be the infamous “this is awesome” and “Holy Shit” chants. Maybe it’s just because I’m a product of the Attitude Era, but I feel these are being used to liberally nowadays. The talent level in the WWE right now is incredible, arguably superior to the Attitude Era. These guys are capable of amazing things in the ring. However, a powerbomb through an announce table is not one of them. That is not a moment worthy of a “holy shit” chant. A springboard flip over the top rope. A double superplex. Using the ring steps in any fashion. These are not “holy shit” moments. When Roman Reigns drove the ambulance carrying Braun Strowman into the parked semi-trailer. Or when Shane McMahon leaped off the top of Hell in a Cell onto the announce table. Those are deserving of a “holy shit” chant.

I don’t know. Maybe I just miss the old days where everybody went out there and laid it all on the line. They tried to steal the show at every event to make a name for themselves. It seems every match gets a “this is awesome” cheer at some point when I feel like it just doesn’t deserve that high of praise. Unless you are a Uso or New Day member, I haven’t seen a match in recent memory that is worthy enough to be awesome. “This is awesome” moments should be ones that put you on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what could possibly happen next. One spot after another, captivating you at every transition. The Uso’s have been the gold standard, with the New Day following right behind. If you want to know what awesome is, watch any Uso’s match in the past few years.

I would encourage the WWE Universe who are at the live events to challenge yourselves on when to use these chants. The superstars should work to earn that status of an awesome match or a holy shit moment. Don’t be so easy to throw them a bone. It’s in the fans best interest. The harder they work to give you a moment, the greater a moment it will be for history.

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