Let’s make the world a better place through blockchain. Are you in?

3 min readJul 19, 2018


At DQR, we are determined to empower people through blockchain. In fact, we want to change the world! While all this might sound like empty talk, we are very serious in our intentions.

Right from the first day of the business, our goal has been to give back, particularly through philanthropic contribution.

Our founders started the company with the intention to realize the full potential that blockchain and cryptocurrencies have to revolutionize society and bring it to the billions of people not currently engaged in the global economy.

Dr Kristian Haehndel is the driving force behind DQR.

Through video productions, recorded interviews with leading figures in the cryptocurrency industry, and in-depth but easily understandable written articles, DQR is now opening the door to:

  • a new way of learning about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology;
  • a way to practice safe trading with carefully selected products;
  • a source of advice for decisions on investing in global assistance for those in need.

By becoming a global thought leader in financial education, we aim to show how technology can be employed for the betterment of humankind while also creating a secure future for individual or institutional investors.

DQR will be your trusted source for all things bitcoin including information about bitcoin price or bitcoin value, how to set up bitcoin trading or buy bitcoin with a credit card, and articles about setting up your own bitcoin wallet. Our growing library of educational material will share information about recommended and reliable investment products, ICO dates, the newest uses for blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency mining done by reliable sources such as our partner – Genesis Mining.


This will be the engine that drives change – the information hub that shares the latest in educational articles, interviews, and videos that can alleviate any worries about investing in crypto or blockchain technology. By informing our readers about blockchain safety and transparency and offering recommendations for carefully selected cryptocurrencies, the material on DQR-Academy can act as a platform for combining investment ideas and products into a socially conscious ecosystem that gives back to the world and creates a more sustainable future for people worldwide.

DQR-X is the first institutional-grade cryptocurrency exchange in Europe.


Setting a new standard for cryptocurrency exchanges, DQR-X will trade exclusively in verified, reliable, and premium quality products and blockchain technologies. The customer-oriented platform is suitable for both individual and institutional investors and will offer the highest standards of customer support and live verification of trades . In addition, a percentage of DQR’s revenue will be donated to a charitable foundation that can improve the lives of the less fortunate.


The heart of the project – the giving back to the world aspect – is found in the DQR-Give project. This blockchain-based charity will not solicit direct donations from contributors. Instead, DQR-X will donate a given percentage of their trading platform revenue to DQR-Give. Members who actively participate will then vote on the projects that they wish to support. As the blockchain infrastructure grows, so grows the socially-conscious ecosystem – one worthy cause after another.

What do you think? Are you in?

Blockchain-based humanitarian foundation DQR-Give will allow individuals to propose projects to help others improve their lives.

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Our mission is to build the foundations of a more inclusive financial system and to empower people through blockchain technology. https://dqr-group.com/