DREP's First Chief Business Officer Jesse Liu: Traffic, Reputation, and Ecosystem

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
6 min readNov 9, 2018

It has been more than 2 years since I started being involved with blockchain industry. I have witnessed both the bullish market and the bearish one, and have been exposed to exchanges, projects, capitals and media. Looking back, overwhelmingly the majority of them were no more than the same old script replayed one after another.

As a project manager (some would call me an “old leek”, senior crypto investor ), having seen all the ups and downs of the industry, I have endeavoured to find a well-established, deep-rooted team with a long-term vision, one that possesses the most necessary and precious qualities to win in the marathon. And in the end I have found DREP.

Hello everyone, I am Jesse Liu and I am most glad to have the opportunity to join DREP.

——Jessie Liu, CBO of DREP Foundation


Personally, I put high emphasis on teams and projects with real blockchain technology. I still firmly believe that the blockchain technology will reach mainstream adoption and become as popular as the Internet today in the near future, and go beyond the existing financial attributes and trading assets that tokens are being regarded today. Therefore, only a team with core technology and development capabilities would have a bright future. I am very pleased to have seen this in DREP team.

If we look at the status quo of public chains, the majority of them focus on the infrastructure performance while neglecting token use scenarios, resulting in a far higher token supply than demand and the life cycle being inevitably compressed. Some public chain teams follow the traditional model and develop DAPPs by force, leading to a situation where the DAPP itself is not functioning well, let alone talking about a public chain with an ecosystem and gas.

DREP on the other hand, is different. From the beginning of the establishment to today, from the construction of token ecology to the differentiated advantages of the public chain + cross-chain protocol, from the development of technology to the landing of products, there is a clear and reasonable planning. Before confirming my onboarding, I had several meetings with the co-founders and core team members of DREP. The focus was on how to build a reasonable and benign token ecosystem via the landing of technology. The team have deployed quite a number of impactful use scanarios, which is yet to be annouced to the public at this stage due to NDA reasons and the necessity to control the pace.

The performance of the public chain is not a scarcity in the market now. What matters is that the logic of token value and utility can be clearly explained. In this case, it can guarantee the team has a better environment to focus on development and its commercial adoption.

What are the pain points that DREP technology and product aim to solve? Traffic.

Given that the blockchain application market is still nascent and the user experience is yet to be optimized, DREP cross-chain reputation protocol (Reputation Protocol) and data privacy security will get the first-mover advantage at the booming market in the next 2–3 years before the traffic dividend era arrives. I am very optimistic about DREP’s business model, the solutions and the potential market share that the solutions can capture in the next few years.

Apart from the technology solutions and value proposition, I have been very impressed by the DREP team’s determination to make things happen. The co-founder Xiaolong was mainly responsible for the development of the public chain during his time at Qtum. Ever since co-founding DREP, he still kept deep thoughts on the technical side issues. As far as I know, the DREP team’s development progress is ahead of most existing blockchain projects in terms of chain and protocol development. The team has also been hustling since the beginning of this year to visit large Internet platforms, traditional financial service platforms, entrepreneurial data companies, etc. They did not limit the use base within the cryptospace, but rather they chose to expand user adoption to serve the real economy.


Before joining DREP, I was a VP at INFLUENCE CHAIN/INEX and this experience has allowed me to fully understand the importance of the token ecosystem, the use of use scenarios and how it can support the strong demand of token release, which is more valuable than the PR news. At the same time, I personally have the experience of management and operation in INEX, and also know the pain points of many projects. My onboarding can help enhance the maturity and competitiveness of the management team on the one hand, and assist DREP on the other hand to take less detours and land faster and more effectively to secure the interests of investors.

In addition, I personally accumulated a lot of traffic resources and cooperation partner resources in the traffic industry such as the Internet and pan-entertainment, which can help DREP to better develop the product line and establish the priority and development strategy of DREP’s TO B and TO C scenarios. This is one of the reasons why I choose DREP because my personal advantage can be fully utilized in practice, and DREP’s future token trading depth will be very guaranteed.

DREP broke the traditional framework of the public chain model and explored a different approach to the traffic ecosystem. It also laid the foundation for the future which will not be limited to the blockchain industry itself, but will further extend the business and ecological tentacles to the real economy. In addition to the experience of INFLUENCE CHAIN ​​and EDG e-sports teams, I also have abundant experience in VC/PE investment, and I understand that the future development of DREP team will only become more and more global and compliant.


After joining the DREP team, I will be holding the CBO (Chief Business Officer) position, and focus more on three directions: product strategy, traffic and branding.

- Product Strategy:

For its future product line, DREP will be focusing on the traffic entry and data privacy protection issues within the “blockchain+” field. At the same time, we will also announce a series of important events in the near future, which will fully showcase the advantages of DREP public chain ecosystem traffic. It will also make DREP’s technology brand and talent mechanism more influential.

DREP’s application scenarios in B2B and B2C will target the market needs, while focusing on effectiveness and real user experience. We want to convert professional domain technology into products that are accessible to users, something that provides convenience and protection. At the same time, the complete data ecosystem will equally become a core product with target use cases in the next 3–5 years.

- Traffic:

The differentiated advantage of DREP’s public chain ecosystem is the traffic flow entry, which is also the biggest obstacle in the industry’s development. Our goal is to achieve user education through traffic portal and traffic tentacles (protocol layer API/Plug-in), and integrate external traffic into the traffic ecosystem of DREP ID framework. When DAPP selects the infrastructure development, DREP will stand out because of its strong performance and traffic advantages.

DREP has laid a very solid foundation in a number of overseas markets, such as Australia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, etc. In the next six months, DREP’s traffic engine will start in various overseas markets, so stay tuned! :)

- Branding:

DREP team has numerous developers who have stayed low-key, especially in China. In the future, I will lead the marketing team to export the technical achievements and our technical branding. I will also build up DREP’s brand strength through the education of the developer and that of “blockchain+” and “data privacy security”. A healthy and technology brand image and professional reputation would be our responsibility to every one of DREP’s investors, supporters, partners and users.

Finally, I would like to thank the DREP team for their trust in me and thank you for your continuous support of DREP.

Jesse Liu Bio:

Former VP at Influence Chain/ INEX, with profound understanding of token metrics and investment strategy. Former CEO at Shanghai Entertaining Asia Corporation and Lead BizDev at EDG E-Sports Club.

7+ years of work experience in Internet retail, e-sports, pan-entertainment, blockchain, with abundant traffic related resources.

Master of University of Manchester.

ABOUT DREP Foundation

DREP Foundation is devoted to building a performance-oriented technology infrastructure supporting high transaction capacity for an ecosystem generating valuable reputation data. Focusing on two industry pain points: lack of user adoption and low transaction throughput, DREP Foundation aims to provide highly scalable, modular blockchain architecture for deployment of a reputation protocol that any types of platforms can use.

DREP envisions a global plan to empower a wide array of platforms to have tokenized reputation ecosystem deployed on top of DREP Chain, which is secure, scalable and reputation data supportive.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.