Managing Dropwizard health-checks

Daniel Skoczny
1 min readJul 16, 2018

This light Java framework provides well-defined, built-in health-check feature, that allows check our application status. It is relatively easy to add self-defined health-checks to monitor particular module of our application.

Although usually we are more likely to add some new health-check to monitor additional component, sometimes there may be a strong reason to reduce them. Imagine a situation where you have custom database heath-check that is a bit more sophisticated than that built-in natively. Dropwizard automatically register a basic database health-check for each DBI within your application.


In our case, as we have custom implementation of this check, we don’t need to duplicate it. Fortunately, there is an easy way to disable the native one:


Doing so, our service validation will look like that:


Just make sure the database check is at least as good as default db1 and db2.

More information about health-checks here:



Daniel Skoczny

DevOps. AWS and cloud computing passionate. Always can’t wait for new JDK release. DevOps approach proponent. Believes that everything can be automated.