Daniel Reagan Diggins
2 min readMay 8, 2017

Do Not Despair Patriot Anti-Globalists…Sunday Was A Watershed Moment… Marine Le Pen Did Best With French Youth 18–24 yrs old Winning 44% of This Demographic…In New Orleans the Oathkeepers Did MAGA Proud By Stressing Unsubmissive Patriotism Is About Civilization Not Skin Color…Racism And Anti-Semitism Are Both Idiotic and Unpatriotic…The Confederacy Was As Traitorous As Antifa Proponents Or Post-Patriot Globalists of Today…Populism Should Push Civic Acculturation and Real Western Civilization Education. More Battles Coming In U.S. House Special Elections and British And French Parliamentary Elections. No One Said A Commoner Revolution Would Be Easy!🇫🇷🇬🇧🇺🇸


Daniel Reagan Diggins

Bachelor's Degree Political Science University of Nevada, Reno....father, husband, libertarian populist, Gonzo-aficionado, red pill SJW, odder than most...