Daniel Reagan Diggins
2 min readJul 6, 2017

Heeding The Call of His Dark Lord Soros, Gotham Goblin King and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Jilts New NYPD Recruits To Bravely Protest The G-20 Summit Limo Liberal Style…Soros Hired Mouthpiece Amy Goodman Hypes Protest As A Backlash Against Rightwing Populist Politics, As Opposed To Davos Class Globalists Like The Dark Lord Soros and His Elitist Protégées!…In Other News , Is CNN Really Pulling A Thelma and Louise?

Daniel Reagan Diggins

Bachelor's Degree Political Science University of Nevada, Reno....father, husband, libertarian populist, Gonzo-aficionado, red pill SJW, odder than most...