Daniel Reagan Diggins
2 min readJul 6, 2017

Legacy Media Red-Lettered Stepchild CNN Decides An Online Inquisition Against Irony Will Put MAGA Meme 🇺🇸 Warriors In Their Place…God Bless Us All. Next Week, A Televised Exorcism and Autos De Fe Edition of New Day Featuring PBS Self-Help Gurus Whipping Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota, Both Kneeling and Prostrated In Front of a Yuuuge President Donald J. Trump Poster As A Symbol of Unconditional Surrender!!🇺🇸

Daniel Reagan Diggins

Bachelor's Degree Political Science University of Nevada, Reno....father, husband, libertarian populist, Gonzo-aficionado, red pill SJW, odder than most...