Explain in detail the three most popular Dapp sectors of the Dfinity ecology — DeFi, NFT, GameFi

D Plus
7 min readAug 9, 2021


Since Dfinity launched the unification of subnets, Dapps developed based on Dfinity have exploded. Among them, the current DeFi sector, NFT sector, and the emerging GameFi sector have received the most attention from users. GameFi is an emerging model for chain games to promote game asset trading through the introduction of the DeFi protocol + NFT model. This article will take you guys to discuss the selected Dapps in the three major sectors above Dfinity.


ICPSwap is a decentralized financial hub that runs completely on the Dfinity mainnet. It links users, values ​​and products, and establishes a truly decentralized financial ecosystem. ICPSwap provides full-stack financial and market services for projects in the Dfinity ecosystem. Combining ICPSwap’s financial services, market services, and innovative extensions to create a wealth effect for the Dfinity system. Officials have revealed that some of the functions of ICPSwap v1 version include: casting Token, liquidity pool, Token List (Dfinity ecological project display), swap service and liquidity Sexual mining, ICS center (display ICS token function), interactive window (relevant chat rooms can be found through the token contract), NNS system governance, ICPSwap container data, display TVL ICS destruction data, 24-hour Token transaction data, ICPSwap casting Other token market data.

ICPswap V1 UI


Dfinance aims to become the DeFi hub on Dfinity, providing decentralized financial services and underlying services (Token standard) for Dfinity ecological Dapp the same as ICPSwap. Dfinance’s core product is DSwap DEX, which uses the AMM mechanism to provide liquidity for Swap, which Dfnance currently uses It uses the AMM mechanism function in a single container to ensure the safety of users in the process of asset interaction. Dfinance’s existing functions: wallet, providing ERC20 Token standard (supporting storage of historical transaction data), lending, DEX financial services, and recharging containers.


Dank is a Dapp that provides decentralized banking services on Dfinity. The first service launched by Dank is an integrated service to solve the problem that Principal ID cannot save Cycles. Dank allows anyone to use Principal by launching XTC representatives that encapsulate Cycles. ID holds Cycles for the development and independent development of containers with growing DFX compatibility. XTC tokens can be used to exchange Cycles locked in the XTC container to the user’s Prinicipal ID to freely manage Cycles. Dank integrated IC Provider API after Plug Wallet released PlugAgent to provide Dank service to users of Plug Wallet.

Dank use documents


Waterslide is the first Liquity protocol front-end running on Dfinity. Users using waterslide interact with the Liqutiy protocol deployed on Ethereum by hosting Dfinity’s front-end page. Liquity is a decentralized lending protocol that allows users to use 0% Interest is borrowed, and the maximum pledge ratio is 110%. The special thing about LIquity is that there is no official website front-end, but through community developers to develop multiple Liquity protocol front-ends to achieve decentralized services. Developers can set the rebate rate to get dividends from users. At present, Liquity has been trusted by Dfinity. Beacon Fund investment of the underlying fund.


Ariadne is a multi-chain aggregator that can quickly transfer assets between multiple chains and single chains with lower gas, and allows users to bundle multiple transactions on a single chain. Currently, whitelist subscriptions have been enabled.


Bunchd is an art platform based on Dfinity, which benefits creators and subscribers. Creators have full say in the development of Bunchd and how to allocate resources. Bunchd creators can obtain the right to govern the platform through fan services. Bunchd has An incentive token economy to reward early adopters, creators and developers. Creators can get Bunchd Token rewards through paying subscribers on the platform, and the fees collected will be deposited into the creator’s governance box


ORIGYN is a platform for the Dfinity Foundation to combine luxury goods with NFT through digital verification of physical objects. It can only be used on Dfinity at present. ORIGYN aims to protect human intellectual assets. ORIGYN adopts advanced artificial intelligence technology and a decentralized system for humans. The precious objects created by Wisdom shall be identified, and their ownership shall be verified by authentication. The current business scope includes: artwork, digital media and luxury goods. ORIFGN’s on-chain governance system and the NNS governance system are also adopted. Token holders obtain voting rights to participate in on-chain governance through pledged tokens.


Canistore is a decentralized social store Dapp based on Dfinity, which provides functions: simplifying photos, music, and storing videos, and creating content for sale and sharing. The Canistroe protocol allows users to upload stored content, and the uploaded content will be traced with a timestamp. Later, users can make the uploaded content into NFT for sale on the platform.

GameFi is a new chain game model that promotes game asset transactions by introducing the DeFi protocol plus NFT mode. The most representative chain game is the current Axie infinity, and the latest luxury brand LV released Louis the Game. All use GameFi mode.

Louis the Game game page

NFT pet Cronic

Cronic is an IC NFT created based on EXT Token. Every Cronic NFT is automatically generated by the system. In the future, ToniqLabs will turn this NFT into a pet game. The functions added to the Cronic game in the future include:

Breeding: Breed unique Cronic according to the user’s favorite style, but the bred Cronic has a certain heritability. The NFT created based on the native Cronic may inherit some of the characteristics of the previous generation of Cronic NFT.

  • Aging: Every Cronic will slowly age according to time, which will affect the appearance of Cronic.
  • Feeding and interaction: Feeding can keep Cronic’s appearance from aging, and long-term feeding will change its appearance.
  • Consumables: You can keep your pets happy by giving Croonics snacks and toys.

At present, the NFT can only support transactions in the Stoic Wallet wallet. In the future, Cronic will hold a beauty contest through voting on the chain, and the winning Cronic pet will be rewarded. ToniqLabs has developed an NFT tool for Cronic NFT that can query transaction records and detailed information of Cronic: NFT Village.

Rise of the Magni

Rise of the Magni is a strategy and tactical game. The theme of the strategy game is to deploy Magni heroes to the battlefield for tactical battles. Gamers can acquire more Magni heroes through trading, fighting, and fusion, and each Magni is one NFT. In the future, Magni will be able to customize and integrate each Magni, and there will be more than 80 Magni in the first season. At present, you can earn game items and Magni tokens (PETRI) through online challenges. The token needs to be used to integrate more powerful Magni. In the future, the game will interact with the two NFT platforms Exponent and Cronics. , To bring users a better gaming experience on the chain. In recent weeks, the game will hold tournaments, and game users who win the tournament will receive corresponding rewards. The game will be added in the near future that can use Stoic Identity to log in authorization ( The account ID in StoicWallet signs the container message to verify login).

The above is a summary of selected Dapps on the DeFi and NFT sections and GameFi sections on Dfinity. The problem that Dfinity containers cannot receive ICP is that DeFi Dapp cannot build the underlying DeFi protocol. However, the founder of Dfinity said that the container will soon be able to call Ledger. The account solves this problem, and the solution to this problem brings a huge boost to DeFi Dapp. In the future, other networks integrated through Chain Key technology will also bring huge liquidity and room for ideas to DeFi Dapp. Cronics NFT went online for 7 days and the transaction volume exceeded 10w, showing the enthusiasm of IC users for IC NFT. The only public chain that can build a 100% decentralized chain game Dapp is Dfinity. Based on the current GameFi market, this will definitely bring Dfinity a more powerful GameFi ecosystem, whether it is DeFi, NFT, or GameFi on Dfinity. Dapps are all developed based on containers. Based on the characteristics of containers, they may also establish interoperability in the future. This will not only break the bottleneck of the traditional Web3 concept, but also form a more powerful Dfinity ecosystem.

Dfinity Shenzhen community focuses on Dfinity ecological technology development exchanges and high-quality project mining analysis.



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