DA Power Play is the First Cofound.it Project with Full ENS Support

With the Public Crowdsale nearly here, we discuss how we made sure you’re going to have a safe and secure experience

Digital Assets Power Play
4 min readSep 21, 2017
You can participate in our Public Crowdsale by sending Ether to ico.dapowerplay.eth from your ENS enabled Ethereum wallet.

During the last two weeks, we were focused on updating our website with new content and security features, moving to new servers, and doing internal revision/testing of the Cofound.it Priority Pass™ smart contracts on the Ropsten network.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) address will be enabled during the ICO, a first for Cofound.it partnered ICO. ENS is one of the most advanced smart contract systems in use today — allowing you to represent Ethereum account addresses in a format that can be read by anyone. So instead of remembering something like “0x6f0d…..d8413e”, the only thing you need to remember is our ENS address: “ico.dapowerplay.eth”

As the ENS team states; “ENS offers a secure and decentralized way to address resources, both on and off the blockchain, using simple human-readable names.” Among other things, ENS eliminates the need to copy/paste or re-type long hexadecimal addresses. Instead, you can send Ethereum to the crowdsale contract using a human readable address — in our case the address for the public crowdsale will be ico.dapowerplay.eth. This way, phishing attempts are significantly reduced. ENS address resolving is enabled in all major Ethereum wallets including Mist, MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, and LEth.

Your security is of outmost importance to us and we are making sure to reduce phishing attempts as much as possible. As such, we are firm believers that ENS has become the industry-wide standard. Please make sure you avoid scams and stay safe and secure by following this guide.

You can participate in our Public Crowdsale by sending Ether to ico.dapowerplay.eth from your ENS enabled Ethereum wallet. If your wallet does not have ENS support, check the crowdsale address on our cofound.it page or here.

Cofound.it Priority Pass™ Smart Contract System: Internal Revision and Testing on Ropsten

We’ve completed a comprehensive internal revision of the Cofound.it Priority Pass™ smart contract system, and were really happy with what we saw. The code is easy to read, battle tested, and we have not found any security problems. To test the crowdsale process, we have deployed the Cofound.it Priority Pass™ smart contracts and our DPP Token (ERC-20 supported) to the Ropsten Ethereum network. We’re ready and excited to open the Public Crowdsale to everyone later today at approx. 5:30PM CEST (4:30PM GMT+1) at block number: 4,298,776.

Proving Ownership of the Ethereum Address and the “dapowerplay.eth” Domain

The ENS domain dapowerplay.eth is owned by this address. To prove ownership, CTO Nikola Jokic, has signed off to confirm he’s the owner of the address while also specifying the ICO crowdsale ENS address in the signed message — among other details. The signature is available as a gist here. This signature can be easily verified here.

Further Security Enhancements:

A New and Improved Website

With the new website deployed, we have moved the servers to a more secure and scalable location. Multiple penetration and load tests were made, and the DDoS protection was tested relentlessly to ensure the most secure experience possible when visiting our website. The experience of our Head of IT & Security, Boris Milovanovic, was of great value during this process. Check out our new website here.

Moving Our Email Servers to ProtonMail

With security in mind, we have also moved our primary email account (contact@dapowerplay.com) to ProtonMail. ProtonMail is an extremely secure email provider based in Switzerland, providing what we consider to be the best combination of security and ease-of-use currently available. Our Public PGP key for the contact@dapowerplay.com email is available on our github.

Closing Slack Registration During the ICO

As some of you might already know, a major source of phishing during recent ICO’s has been Slack. As such, will close all registrations of new members during the duration of the entire ICO (Presale and Crowdsale). Once this becomes open sometime next week, we will make the announcement on Twitter and Telegram. In the meantime, we highly recommend you stay connected with us on those two platforms.

To participate in the crowdsale, please follow this link:

Further Questions?

Don’t hesitate to contact us! Our team members are always available to answer your questions! Join our public channels on Telegram and Slack, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or learn more about DA Power Play on our Medium page and YouTube channel. You can also contact us directly by email at contact@dapowerplay.com.

