First look at DPP Trader+

The most advanced algorithmic crypto trading platform

Digital Assets Power Play
8 min readMar 14, 2019

Dev Update — March 14, 2019

We’re thrilled to bring you the first in-depth look at DPP Trader+ — the most advanced algorithmic crypto trading platform on the market. Trader+ forms an integral part of the DPP Platform. Alongside the other major components of the platform including DPP DataStreams, DPP Historical, and the Execution Management System, Trader+ enables a one-stop solution for trading across hundreds of exchanges and venues. Algorithmic trading has never been easier!

Today we’re introducing some of the basic functions and major components of Trader+. As we approach the beta launch, this should give you a better understanding of how Trader+ works and what to expect when you get your hands on the upcoming beta and the commercial release.

Make sure you create your DPP account and stay tuned to our Twitter feed for more news on the beta and release date! We have a lot of great content coming your way, including video demos and tutorials on how to create trading strategies and use other features in Trader+.

For those who are here for the first time, let’s catch you up! Trader+ is our flagship service — a powerful strategy creator that makes algorithmic trading with cryptocurrencies more accessible than ever before. Trader+ is designed to empower crypto traders to focus on what they do best — discovering new trading opportunities and optimizing profit! Now you can easily trade across 100s of exchanges using a single platform.

Trader+ utilizes a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface where you can create, backtest, forward test, and run multiple trading strategies. And if you’re a beginner looking to jump in, you can use any of the provided strategy templates. As an integral part of the DPP Platform and using our market leading DataStreams and Historical services, Trader+ has access to live, processed, and historical data from more than 108 exchanges and thousands of markets and cryptocurrencies — all through a single interface with a simple onboarding process! Anyone can create advanced algorithmic strategies for arbitrage, market making, technical analysis, smart order routing, charting patterns, ETF, and much more. Users can also design custom trading bots and technical signals to seize trading opportunities in the crypto space.

With the Portfolio Module, Trader+ makes sure you’re always in control of your digital assets portfolio, allowing you to track your portfolio, open orders, and trade history across different wallets and exchanges. Now, let’s take a closer look at how Trader+ works and some of the basic components and functions you’ll encounter during the beta and beyond.

The Trader+ infrastructure

Secure Private Cloud

Trader+ provides state-of-the-art security for every user. Due to the nature of the DPP platform, it was extremely important for us to offer the most secure environment for traders. We knew immediately that giving each user their own secure private cloud environment was the best way to accomplish this.

When deploying large scale cloud clusters, using Red Hat OpenShifttechnology has given us the ability to provide each user with a private cloud — also known as a pod. Due to the cluster architecture, each pod can run numerous algorithmic trading strategies in parallel without any performance degradations. DPP platform performance is monitored 24/7 with an alert mechanism and NOC, resolving any potential performance degradations.


In Trader+, nodes are the basic building blocks of any strategy. There are several types of nodes, each with a specific purpose designed to receive and process a specific set of parameters, output values, and/or decisions. Different nodes have different settings which can be used to help you define the tradable markets you wish to use in your strategy. When several nodes are combined and connected to a Create Order Node, they can create a powerful algorithmic strategy optimized for a specific purpose.

After selecting a Node from the navigation menu, it will appear in the strategy canvas. Users can add as many nodes as needed to create their strategy. Using the node settings (pictured as a small gear icon), you can Clone, Remove or Save the selected Node. This is also where settings can be adjusted to set up meta-parameters for the Node. Cloning a node is a quick and simple way to copy an existing node, this is particularly useful if you’re adding multiple types of the same Node with different parameters. Each node can be renamed to better reflect what kind of data or mathematical/logical functions the node provides. Inputs and outputs for each node can also be labeled.

At launch, there will be a total of 13 node types, organized into four categories — Data Streams Nodes, Strategy Nodes, Decisions Nodes, and Other. You can find the entire list of nodes below. Stay tuned during the coming days and weeks for demos and how-to videos on creating strategies and using nodes. To learn more about each node and how they work, check the documentation for Trader+.

All the nodes that will be available at launch. More nodes will be added with future updates.

Data Streams Nodes:

These nodes are used to deliver the latest market data from a specific exchange, pair, and time period. Most Data Streams Nodes allow you to select market data from over 16,000 markets. Over time we plan on adding even more exchanges and pairs, including decentralized exchanges.

Strategy Nodes:

There are three primary nodes in this category. The Strategy Order Node, Strategy Trader Node stream all your active orders and traders, while the Strategy Assets Node streams the initial digital assets you assigned to your strategy and determines the amount that is reserved and available to the strategy. In the near future, we’ll provide examples of how these nodes are used in a created strategy.

Decisions Nodes:

Finally, let’s take a look at the Decision Node and Create Order Node. The Decision Node allows the user to combine numerous inputs into one or more outputs. To achieve this result, the Decision Node uses mathematical, operational, and logical operators. The Create Order Node is perhaps the most important because any strategy you create will end with this node. It’s used as the final output where you will trigger one of six possible actions — market buy, market sell, limit buy, limit sell, OCO (one cancels other), and cancellation of all open orders. Once an order is placed or trade is executed, your strategy assets will rebalance. All open orders are displayed in the Orders window on the strategy canvas. Executed trades are displayed in the Trades window. Every action taken in a strategy will be recorded in the Logs section below the strategy canvas.

A Strategy in action

An example of a created strategy using Trader+. This is an EMA cross strategy.

Before we dive into this example, please note that this strategy was taken from the beta version and certain UI changes are subject to change. Now that we have that out of the way, let’s take a look at this simple EMA Cross (exponential moving average) strategy to see how several nodes can come together to form an advanced strategy in Trader+.

EMA is a commonly used signal in trading and technical analysis. In the example above, the strategy uses an EMA technical indicator on a one-minute candle over a 50-minute period and a 200-minute period. This strategy is designed to market buy on an upwards cross and market sell on a downwards cross between two different exponential moving averages. To define the cross, we use current one-minute candle EMA values and historic EMA values (one-minute period in history). The upwards cross occurs if the historic value of theEMA 50 node is lower than the historic value of the EMA 200 node, and the current value of the EMA 50 node is higher than the current value of the EMA 200 node. The opposite would result in a downwards cross. Note that candle size and EMA values can be set by the user.

Now let’s focus on the BTC Sentiment node in the example. Because the moving average cross is a commonly used trend-following strategy, we enhanced it with the addition of a Bitcoin sentiment condition using a Sentiment Node (labeled BTC Sentiment). A Sentiment Node is used to stream positive and negative Bitcoin sentiment into the Create Order Node (labeled BUY/SELL) — in this example, the BTC Sentiment node provides an input connecting to the BUY/SELL node. For instance, if Bitcoin sentiment is not positive, the BUY/SELL node will overrule the upwards cross signal and the strategy won’t place a market buy.

Portfolio Module

In the crypto world, managing your accounts and funds is often a messy and inefficient experience. With Trader+, we’ve made it simple and intuitive to manage your digital assets, track orders, and track trades across multiple exchanges. The Portfolio Module provides a complete overview of your total available and reserved assets, and it automatically calculates your strategy and portfolio balance in fiat so you can easily monitor portfolio and strategy performance. In a future update, the Portfolio Module dashboard will be available on the DPP platform providing quicker and more user-friendly access for monitoring your portfolio and strategies. This same update will also add a feature that will deliver reports for each of your created strategies.

Execution Management System

The Execution Management System, also known as EMS, enables order placement and trade executions across multiple exchanges. EMS submits orders from your created strategy to the selected exchange. EMS also manages open orders and executed trades notifying the Portfolio Module to reserve and rebalance digital assets within your strategy and portfolio. It can also limit order creation if the strategy limits have been exceeded (i.e the total number of open orders or the total amount of orders, etc) and it’s also responsible for canceling orders based on the request of a strategy. EMS supports limit, market and OCO order types, while SOR (Smart Order Routing) and TWAP (Time Weighted Average Price) are available through ready-to-use strategy templates.

Forward Testing

Backtesting is common among professional traders, and while it certainly can provide valuable information, it’s only one part of the evaluation process used before live-deploying a trading strategy. Forward Testing, however, gives you the ability to test your strategies risk-free before deploying them into the crypto market — the added reliability you need to make sure your strategies are fully optimized for real-world markets.

Forward Testing using Trader+ replicates order books of a select exchange. Once you have chosen a pair from a supported exchange, you can forward test (also known as paper trading) your algo strategy based on the selected market. Our Forward Testing feature currently supports market pairs from Bitstamp, Kraken,, and Tokens. Market pairs from additional exchanges will be added in future updates and backtesting support will be added as well.

We’ve always believed in putting the power of algorithmic trading strategies in the hands of the user, allowing you to not only enhance and simplify the crypto trading experience but to also have more control over the ever-shifting crypto market. Create your DPP account today and if you’re new join our Telegram group and let us know if you have any questions or suggestions! You can also email us directly at For more on Trader+ and the future of crypto trading, keep it locked on DPP.

Create your DPP account today! Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and join our Telegram group to get the latest news and updates.

