Diane Lee怎麼準備尾牙主持和克服心理障礙事情是這樣的,因參加公司的福委會後,時常舉辦一些活動,有些機會必須要幫忙主持活動的進行,也包含2019公司的尾牙,然後就誤打誤撞和其他三個同事搭配成尾牙的主持人了。決定寫下這篇文章,因為覺得自己學到許多,心理也成長許多,把這些曾經學到的小技巧和資源記下來,希望可以幫助到未來會需要…Jan 23, 20201Jan 23, 20201
Diane LeeUX design on Data VisualizationStorytelling skill is the mother of communication which contains data visualization.Jul 16, 2018Jul 16, 2018
Diane LeeMake multiple accounts for your 2B productsOne of the major difference between designing a product for 2C and 2B is that your 2B product is made for multiple users to run in the…Jul 9, 2018Jul 9, 2018