The Ancient Symbols of Existence

DaiJa Ray
4 min readDec 8, 2022


40,000-Year-Old Symbols Found in Caves Worldwide May Be the Earliest Written Language | Open Culture

The Presence of Symbolic Language

Exploration of the El Castillo Mountain, located in the cave system nicknamed, The Caves of Monte Castillo in Spain, enhanced a discussion that has been controversial for many years.

The burning question, “Where did humanity come from?” is now a more expansive topic. Recently, society has shifted gears from the once dominant opinions of religion and science. The Big Bang theory is beginning to fade into proof of Divinity and Ancient Unity. Experts have discovered approximately 32 symbols of ancient origin still used by many diverse cultures today. El Castillo Mountain displayed many of these symbols inside its crumbled walls. A few are familiar, but their original meaning is lost with translation. So, there is an importance to regaining knowledge and respecting the origins.

According to a recent video documentary, “Seven Symbols of Atlantis,” Gaia, featuring Gregg Branden, Search | Gaia

A 2012 discovery by student researcher; Genevieve von Petzinger, who had analyzed over 300 cave markings discovered worldwide, led experts to a realization that many had overlooked. The experts concluded that since ancient times, humanity had used the same 32 symbols to communicate. With this information, it seems more realistic to conclude that, at some point, there was a sense of unity where communication had no language barrier.

When referring to business marketing, it is common to use symbols as logos to represent a brand. In religion, symbols hold more spiritual responsibility. However, many of these everyday symbols you would not usually give a second thought to are Ideograms. An ideogram is a symbol or picture that communicates an entire idea. Researchers must acknowledge the power of ideograms to understand the possibility of symbolic language.

For example, one of the most recognizable of these ancient symbols is the Star of David. The Star of David is widely recognized and respected as representing the Jewish community and King David. But that would not explain its appearance in ancient communication before anyone had established religion. So, what is its original meaning? It is also known as the Seal of Solomon to early Israelites, and they believed the purpose of the seal was to act as a spiritual protection image. This concept has derived from its ancient origin; it was once created in the image of the pyramids. The star portrays as two pyramids within one another, where one is upside down. It is said that each point on the star represents an element, such as Air or Water; they connect into pyramids that serve as energy points granting universal protection.

The Ankh is an ancient symbol that is less familiar in society. It is often compared to the Cross that Christianity worships. They are visibly similar but hold different meanings. While the Cross is an Ideogram that keeps the story of the ultimate sin and sacrifice of a Divine being, The Ankh does not represent one being but rather the unity of all and essentially the key to life. Its modern reputation has not strayed far from its ancient origin. Experts discovered that the Ankh predated Egyptian civilization and early documentation portrayed the key to holding meaning beyond society as we know it. It was referred to by early culture as the Duran Key, which was said to be the key to unlocking the bond between heaven and earth.

The crescent moon is another symbol discovered in ancient communication. Its modern-day reputation has become surface-level compared to the power and complexity implied in its origin. The crescent is a beautiful accessory to the night sky, but its meaning is much more profound. Scientific evidence suggests that the first depiction of the crescent moon can be dated back to approximately the Babylon Era. Goddess Sin was the Lunar Goddess of Babylon, and its people believed that under the moon’s powers, the most devoted would be able to influence fertility and the cycle of life. Even the tides and the female body seemed to flow with the moon’s phases. Even now, we acknowledge the moon as a powerful force. There are 13 phases; ironically, we recognize the old life and death reference used in the last stage of its cycle. Modern-day society has nicknamed this phase Friday the 13th, believing the day carries a reputation for bad luck.

Many ancient symbols will continue being repurposed for our New Age society. While they may represent other messages now, their ancient origin still holds. These ideograms depict humanity on a larger scale, and the idea they portray must compare to the energy that civilization puts into them. It is encouraged that more research takes place amongst every religion and community to discover and understand the origins truly.



DaiJa Ray

Divinely Guided and Inspired. My purpose is to present topics that will expand the consciousness. My content requires an open mind.