Love Above All

Embracing Paul’s Timeless Teaching

Daily Devotionals
3 min readFeb 6, 2024
Image by Author

“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” — 1 Corinthians 13:13

In a world brimming with transient desires and fleeting connections, Saint Paul’s timeless teaching on love stands as a beacon of enduring truth. This passage, often recited but deeply challenging to live out, calls us to a higher standard of love — one that transcends mere emotions or affections and roots itself in the very essence of what it means to be human. Let’s delve into the heart of Paul’s message on love and explore how it can transform our lives today.

The Supremacy of Love

Paul begins by asserting that love is paramount, surpassing even the most extraordinary spiritual gifts or achievements. Without love, our words, knowledge, and actions are empty. This radical assertion invites us to examine the foundation of our interactions and accomplishments: Are they motivated by genuine love, or are they seeking self-glorification?

Consider the motivations behind your actions, especially those you take pride in. How can you infuse more genuine love into what you do?

The Characteristics of Love

Paul describes love not as a feeling but as a series of actions and choices: patient, kind, not envious or boastful, not proud, dishonoring to others, self-seeking, easily angered, or keeping a record of wrongs. This description transforms love from a concept into a daily practice, a guideline for how we interact with others.

Choose one characteristic of love to focus on each week. Find practical ways to embody this trait in your interactions, noting the challenges and changes you experience.

Love’s Endurance

Perhaps the most comforting aspect of Paul’s teaching is the assurance that love never fails. While prophecies, tongues, and knowledge will pass away, love endures forever. This eternal perspective on love challenges us to invest in what lasts, to build relationships and communities grounded in love that withstands the test of time.

Reflect on the relationships and communities you are part of. How can you contribute to building a foundation of enduring love?

Love in Action

Understanding and agreeing with Paul’s words is one thing; living them out is another. Embracing this kind of love requires daily commitment and the grace of God. It calls us to look beyond our interests, to serve others with humility, and to forgive as we have been forgiven.

Identify one relationship in need of the love Paul describes. Take a tangible step this week to mend, strengthen, or honor that relationship in a way that reflects this teaching.

Saint Paul’s discourse on love is not just an ideal to admire but a call to action — a reminder that at the heart of our faith is a command to love deeply, sacrificially, and enduringly. As we strive to embody this love, we not only transform our relationships but also bear witness to the love of Christ, which compels us.

Let us then pursue love above all, for in doing so, we draw closer to the heart of God and the essence of what it means to be truly human.

“Let all that you do be done in love.” — 1 Corinthians 16:14



Daily Devotionals

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