Radical Compassion

Loving Your Enemies in the Light of the New Testament

Daily Devotionals
3 min readApr 8, 2024
Image by Author

In an age marked by division and discord, the New Testament’s call to “Love your enemies” emerges as a radical directive, challenging the very foundations of human interaction. This command, found in the teachings of Jesus Christ, particularly in Matthew 5:43–48, compels us to extend love and compassion even to those we consider adversaries. This devotional delves into the profound implications of this command, exploring how it can transform our lives and the world around us.

The Counter-Cultural Command

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven…” — Matthew 5:43–45

Jesus’ instruction to love our enemies stands in stark contrast to the natural human inclination towards revenge or indifference. It is a call to embody the very essence of God’s character — unconditional love and boundless grace. By doing so, we reflect God’s impartiality, as He makes His sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous alike.

The Power of Prayer

One practical step towards loving our enemies is through prayer. Praying for those who persecute us does more than invoke God’s intervention; it softens our hearts towards them, enabling us to see them through the lens of empathy and shared humanity. This shift in perspective is crucial for breaking down barriers of hatred and prejudice.

The Challenge of Compassion

Loving our enemies demands a profound level of compassion and selflessness. It requires us to look beyond our pain, grievances, and prejudices to recognize the image of God in everyone — even those who wish us harm. This does not mean condoning their actions or dismissing our boundaries but choosing a path of forgiveness and goodwill in the face of enmity.

Transformative Love

The radical compassion Jesus calls us to is transformative — it has the power to change hearts and mend broken relationships. When we respond to hostility with love, we sow seeds of peace that can grow to overturn cycles of vengeance and hatred. This divine love becomes a testimony of our identity as children of God, marked by mercy and grace.

Living Out Radical Compassion

  • Reflect on Personal Enemies: Identify who you consider your ‘enemies’ or those you find difficult to love. Acknowledge your feelings towards them.
  • Commit to Prayer: Make a conscious effort to pray for their well-being and for the softening of your heart towards them.
  • Seek Understanding: Attempt to understand their actions from their perspective, recognizing their humanity.
  • Take Action in Love: Where possible, take tangible steps to show kindness and love to those you struggle to embrace.

A Higher Calling

The command to love our enemies is not an easy path; it is a higher calling that demands divine strength and grace. Yet, in embracing this radical compassion, we find ourselves walking in the footsteps of Christ, who loved us even when we were His enemies. As we strive to live out this love, let us remember that it is not by our power but by the Spirit working within us, enabling us to love as God loves — without limits.



Daily Devotionals

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