Surrender’s Strength

Daily Devotionals
2 min readJan 31, 2024


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In the quiet of surrender, where the heart finds its rest, Lies a strength untold, in the yielding, we’re blessed. For in letting go, in the hands of the Divine, We find a peace profound, a love that’s truly mine.

The path of surrender, a journey so deep, Where fears are stilled, and dreams awake from sleep. In the act of trust, where our worries are laid, In the arms of the Almighty, our foundations are made.

With every breath of surrender, a step into the light, Where the burdens of control, take their flight. In the landscape of faith, under open skies, In surrender’s strength, our spirit flies.

The waters of trust, calm and serene, Reflect the face of the unseen. In the mirror of surrender, we see, The reflection of His will, the path to be free.

So we bow our heads, and lift our hearts, In surrender’s dance, where true living starts. For in the art of letting go, in the trust so sweet, At the altar of surrender, God and man meet.

In this sacred space, where we’re held so tight, In the surrender of our will, we find our might. For it’s in giving up, that we truly gain, In the rains of surrender, we grow through the pain.



Daily Devotionals

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