How To Spot Fake People In Your Life: 6 Phrases They Might Say

These will help spot who are your real friends

Daily Dose Of Life
3 min readDec 22, 2023
Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash

Have you ever placed your trust in someone, only to discover they were not who they claimed to be? The shock of realizing that someone you trusted was fake can be deeply unsettling. Instead of blaming them, many find themselves questioning their own judgement, desperately seeking answers. To help you better detect the lies of fake people, let’s explore six common phrases they often use!

1. “I’ve Got Your Back”

Fake people are notorious fro proclaiming their loyalty, only to betray you when you least expect it. Perhaps you only became aware of their true colors after hearing damaging rumors they spread about you. Psychologist Dr. Niha Meta explains that these individuals believe they can appear better by putting others down, resorting to spreading false information.

2. “I’m Always Honest”

While fake people claim to be honest, their opinions are often tailored to specific audiences. Unlike trustworthy individuals who maintain consistent values, fake people change their stance based on who they’re talking to. Psychologist Guy Winch notes that fake people are two-faced, lacking the sincerity that genuine individuals display.



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