DOOM 3: BFG Edition Review

Dragon Fang Gaming
3 min readMay 20, 2023


  • Platforms: Steam, PS4, Xbox
  • Price: $9.99
  • Release Date: October 16, 2012
  • Genres: First Person Shooter, Action Games, Survival Horror, Retro Games, Remaster
  • Developer: id Software
  • Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

Heya folks, Shaun here, and I’m back with my latest review! In this one, I’m covering the 2012 remaster of DOOM 3, the BFG Edition by id Software and Bethesda Softworks. I purchased this game myself a long time ago and just wanted to add this game to my review portfolio.

DOOM 3 is easily the most underrated game in the franchise, and I don’t think I will ever understand why that is. The game is also the only game in the entire DOOM series that can be considered an actual horror game, and it’s an excellent horror game at that.

The game puts you in control of a space marine who arrives on a research facility on Mars just as things hit the fan and demons begin invading the facility. With a large number of big guns at his disposal, it’s up to him to traverse the entirety of the station in order to stop the demon invasion.

Personally, I’m a big fan of DOOM 3 but I haven’t let nostalgia cloud my judgement. The game is no longer the visual spectacle that it once was and its graphics look muddied and everything looks like it’s made of plastic. The lighting is still quite good, but the remaster also improves this. If you want it to look closer to the original DOOM 3, simply lower the brightness and the game becomes just as dark.

The gunplay is still a ton of fun, and I like the fact that you don’t have to continually switch between the flashlight and your weapons. The quickly draining flashlight is definitely a relic of a bygone era of gaming and is pretty annoying but having it tied to your suit definitely helps things, however.

I also played through the Resurrection of Evil, as well as, the Lost Mission expansion packs and I have some thoughts on those to add as well.

The Resurrection of Evil expansion pack picks up 2 years after the events of the base game with a team unwittingly unleashing another group of demon spawn and it’s up to one Marine to finally defeat the scientist that created the situation in the base game.

The Lost Mission definitely had the least impressive final boss fight, which was a joke by comparison to the other two. It’s final sections were definitely pretty cool to progress through, I liked its design. Lost Mission follows a final member of Delta Squad as they attempt to close the demon portal in Hell.

Overall, I personally think DOOM 3 is a fantastic game, and despite its growing age, it’s still an incredibly fun game. As a survival horror game it’s a fantastic game. Some may say that it isn’t a good DOOM game but they clearly don’t realize that the game is a reimagining of the original DOOM so, jokes on them, it is actually a good DOOM game. That said, I’m going to rate it as a complete package and I’ve ultimately decided to give the game an 8 out of 10. I think that’s a pretty fair score given its age and how well it stands up to the test of time.

Thanks for reading folks, and I’ll have new reviews soon!



Dragon Fang Gaming

Heya folks, Dragon Fang Gaming is a solo game review blog/YouTube Channel with a weekend schedule.