😂 Daily Laugh | A father and his daughter were standing in front of the tiger’s cage 😂

Daily Laugh Jokes
3 min readOct 19, 2022


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JOKES :😱 A husband asks his wife: Do you know the meaning of the word WIFE? It means… Without Information, Fighting Every time! The wife says: No darling, you are wrong. It means; With Idiot For Ever.

A man was driving and his wife was sitting beside him. A cop pulled him over. Driver: What’s happened, officer? Police officer: You were driving 75 in a 55 zone. Driver: No sir, It was 60. The wife: Oh Jerry. You were going 80. (Man gives his wife an angry look.) Police Officer: Your taillight is broken too. I’m going to give you a ticket. Driver: what? My taillight is broken? I have no idea about it! The Wife: Oh Jerry, but you told me about that broken taillight weeks ago. (Man gives his wife an angry look.) Police officer: Also I will give you a citation for not wearing your seat belt. Driver: Oh, I’ve just unfastened it as you were walking to my car. The wife: Oh Jerry, but you never wear a seat belt. Driver to his wife: Shut your mouth, woman! The officer: Ma’am, does your husband always talk to you like this? The wife: No, just sometimes when he’s drunk.

A husband came home after work and his wife slapped him in the face. “What was that for?” he yield. “For a piece of paper in your trousers pocket with the name ‘Mary Lou’ written on it,” she said, steaming. “I hope you have a damned good answer.” “Calm down, honey,” he replied. “I went to a race last week. Don’t you remember? Mary Lou was a horse name that I had bet on, that’s all.” The next day, When he came home from work, his wife gave him another slap in the face. “What is it again?” he cried. “You had a phone call this morning, it was from your horse!”

This woman walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for some arsenic. The pharmacist enquires “What do you want it for?” She replies “I am going to poison my husband”. The pharmacist says “Sorry, I can’t do that.” She opens her handbag and takes out a photo of her husband and the pharmacist’s wife in bed. And hand the photo to the pharmacist. The pharmacist looks at the photo and nods, “Why didn’t you say that you had a prescription ma’am”

A woman woke up one day and told her husband, “I just had a dream of you giving me a necklace of diamonds as a Valentine’s Day gift. What do you think about its meaning?” “You may find out tonight…,” he replied. The man returned home with a small parcel that night and handed it to his wife. Thrilled, she unwrapped the pack. — She found a book in the box entitled: “The Meaning of Your Dreams.”

A husband was throwing knives at his wife’s picture but he kept missing the target every time! Suddenly, his wife called him, — Hi, what are doing? -His sincere reply was, MISSING U.

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