The Bull, the Bear, and the Bungling Bitcoin

Daily Ledger
2 min readMay 15, 2024

Suffering from Altitude Sickness?

Bitcoin is acting like that acrophobic friend who refuses to ride a roller coaster with you, even after you scoured all over the park for the most thrilling ride possible. Not to burst your bubble — or should we say ‘bull run’? — but Bitcoin’s stubbornness to rise above its 20-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) tightens the noose around its neck, increasing the risk of a downward breakdown.

An Avalanche of Altcoins

But what about the rest of the pack? Are our dear altcoins prepared to face the music? A shadow looms over a majority of altcoins, with Bitcoin’s possible downward trajectory casting a pall. This means ETH, BNB, SOL, XRP, TON, DOGE, ADA, AVAX, and even everyone’s favorite meme coin, SHIB, are also potentially in for a rough tumble. So, buckle up, peeps, because this ride may get kind of gnarly!

Riding the Waves

So where does this leave you, the cautious yet thrill-seeking investor? Should you cut and run or clutch your coins closer to your chest? While it’s normal to feel a bit doom and gloom, remember we have been in this situation countless times before. The crypto market moves in cyclical waves — the bear isn’t going to stick around forever, and neither will this likely downturn.

A Pensive Forecast

Word to the wise: Always proceed with caution in the crypto scene. Consider Bitcoin’s apparent reluctance to ascend a warning sign for all cryptos. There’s nothing wrong with taking a step back, playing it safe, and waiting until the crypto seesaw settles a bit. But don’t let this deter you from opportunities that may arise — after all, the brave and the opportunistic still find hidden treasures in even the gloomiest of bear markets.

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