Daily Ledger
2 min readMay 13, 2024


Hold or Fold: A Snarky Take on Charles Edwards’ Altcoin Prophecy


Hurry Up, Buy, and maybe Recycle: The Edwards Forecast

So, our crypto prophet trumpets from the e-verses of the interwebs that we’re currently in the golden period of altcoin profits. A gleaming oasis in the desolate desert of junk coins and market dips. Yep, non-ethereum, non-bitcoin, non-doge-toting netizens, Charles Edwards yelled, “buy now” from the high horse of the X Hall of Flame. Well then, let us put on our moon-suits, load up those wallets, and let the FOMO take control, shall we?

Tick, Tock, goes the Altcoin Clock

Mr. Edwards thinks that we have a splendid 12 months, just a year, to rake in the profits from the alternative crypto roulette. Wow, that’s tons of time, isn’t it? Not like the crypto market changes every nanosecond or anything. But hey, who am I to douse the enthusiasm with bolts of reality?

Catch the Wave, But Don’t Drown

The wonderfully vague clairvoyance doesn’t stop there. Apparently, he also prognosticated the absolute “Playdate with Doom”, penciled in somewhere vaguely around ‘mid-2025’. Taketh away, after thy giveth, eh, Mr. Edwards? Sheesh, talk about being a crypto party-pooper.

The Ticking Profit Bomb

Let’s delve, shall we? The notion of a finite window of profit opportunity presents the altcoin market as a ticking profit bomb. You’d better defuse it (read: sell everything) before it’s mid-2025 , or you might just get a nasty surprise. No pressure, right?

Numbers Don’t Lie, But Forecasts Might Stretch the Truth

I mean, it’s not like a crypto market forecast could ever be wrong, right? Just like weather forecasts never miss the mark? Oh, wait, they do. All. The. Time. But of course, dear Crypto Trinity, Mr. Edwards is infallible. And we, the mere crypto-mortal participants, must listen and adhere to his prophecies, navigating our ships in this volatile sea of ones and zeros.

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