Here, We Don’t Just Sell Products

Strategies for Building Something People Want

Craig McKay
4 min readOct 5, 2023

The memo below was originally shared with the team at InnovateX, a company pioneering a groundbreaking project. It reflects their vision and approach to launching their innovative product, which was set to disrupt an established market. The memo is presented verbatim, with minor modifications for clarity and privacy.

Creating What People Truly Desire

At InnovateX, we have embarked on a journey to create something truly groundbreaking, something that can redefine an entire industry. Our product holds the potential to solve real-world problems and improve the lives of countless individuals. It’s a product that people need, even if they aren’t aware of it yet.

The challenge we face is that most people aren’t actively seeking our product. They’re not searching for a solution because they’re not even aware that such a solution exists. This is a common predicament for innovators and disruptors throughout history. After all, nobody was actively seeking smartphones or ride-sharing services before they came into existence.

Our mission is twofold: first, we must build a product that genuinely enhances people’s lives. Second, we need to bridge the gap between what they think they need and what our…

