“To Say Nothing” (A Poem for Patience’s Treasures)

Dallin Candland
2 min readSep 3, 2023


I have lots to say, as always
Been learning though sometimes no one needs to know
Some things are meant to forever remain a mystery —
They’re not meant to be a part of known history.

That’s a humbling thing to realize
I feel it’s something I need to do though to seize my prize —
Be patient with what I am seeing with my eyes
And what I put out into the world, since it all comes back, you know?

I’ve created a lot of craziness and I’d rather not add to it.
Sure, there’s a lot I could share.
But some things you just need to keep to yourself…
It doesn’t really add to the world’s light to proclaim it, make sense?

I’ve spoken up in times where silence was the best choice
Got way too excited, couldn’t hold back my voice
Then I realized I had succumbed to mere passion
Which muddied my vision, and clouded my soul

You’d think that speaking will always lead to healing
But no, that’s not true. That’s not true.

The thing you most want to say
Probably wouldn’t help at all
Although perhaps it would have in a previous day

But we are not in 2012 anymore
2018 is gone too, it is forever no more
And the Great Depression has already occurred
WWII was fought, many battles there were endured

This is a great test that I am now facing
To just walk on, say nothing, though my mind is racing

I trust there’s a reason
For my more silent season
And things will become more clear with time
And when they do — they will surely be sublime!

To step out into the light
When I’m meant to stay in the dark
To share what I’ve been working on
When nobody needs to see the spark

Yeah, it’s not a good idea…
Learned that before already, and the truth is okay with me.

So I’ll just be chilling — walk by, stay near silent in this season.
I’m looking forward to the clarity ahead — when I find out the reason.



Dallin Candland

I believe in Christ. ADHD podcaster, writer, poet. Author of "God is Trying to Talk to Me"🎤🏃✏️ linktr.ee/dallincandland