Over 750,000 people gather in Downtown Los Angeles for Women’s March 2017…

Damian Rinaldi
2 min readJan 23, 2017
📷 Photography By Damian Rinaldi 📷 [Media Press]

The day after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, Women’s March begins. Not only are people gathering at the main event in Washington D.C., but cities across the country are partaking, including Downtown Los Angeles. People from all over Southern California are coming by bus, train, and car to meet up in Pershing Square to rally at 9am, then march down to city hall at 10am.

📷 Photography By Damian Rinaldi 📷 [Media Press]

What began as a simple Facebook page promptly after the election, quickly turned into a powerful movement. The group has partnered with other influential groups like Planed Parenthood, National Resource Defense Council, and hundreds of others. People of all genders and race are gathering to challenge President Donald Trump and his administration. Not only are they marching for women’s rights but for environmental issues, violence, disability rights, and immigration laws just to name a few.

📷 Photography By Damian Rinaldi 📷 [Media Press]

In an interview with the NY Times, one organizer said “We’re doing it his very first day in office because we are making a statement. The marginalized groups you attacked during your campaign? We are here and we are watching. And, like, ‘Welcome to the White House.’ ”

📷 Photography By Damian Rinaldi 📷 [Media Press]



Damian Rinaldi

🇦🇺 Damian Rinaldi 🇺🇸 Experienced Image Consultant with a Demonstrated History of Working in the Field of Photography 📷 @DamianRinaldi 👤#VEGAN 🖤