My Linkedin, Github, Resume

Dan Chen
4 min readOct 18, 2021


To help people better understand where are we from, what are our background, and how we can communicate effectively, it’s a good routine to create our portfolios and updated them regularly. When I was at GA, our career coach introduced this concept and the current hiring environment. Indeed, a well-constructed portfolio could advance you in your future career.


How important is Linkedin to you? Here are some statistics: 122 Million people received an interview through Linkedin within 35.5 Million having been hired by a person they connected with. 3 people are hired through Linkedin every minute. Linkedin organizes job hunting candidates' educations and working experiences in professional ways and presents to hiring resources without delays. The job search market became very competitive and Linkedin is definitely a professional platform that connects the communications and maintains the hiring ecosystem.

Here are some tips:

  1. You can dig in more information on the hiring manager, team organization, company strategies before your interview.
  2. You can ask for referrals from Linkedin.
  3. Connect with people in your field and get their viewpoints on current industries.
  4. Update your Linkedin profile and posts to benefit others.


Github is the place online that developers and programmers can collaboratively work on large projects. It is the most prominent source code host, with over 60 Million new repositories created in 2020 and boasting over 56 million developers. Github is an ecosystem for programmers to check resources, connect with colleagues, and share the codes to help others. Github organizes your work, projects, team, and connections, and hiring resources could evaluate your work experiences, competency, and potentials by browsing your Github projects. So you must have to update your GitHub to show your capability to meet their requirements.


The personal website helps recruiters find you much more easily, and boosts your chance of landing a job. You can consider the personal website as your new resume, youself. Just as your purchase items from the Amazon website, you must think about how different you are from others as for hiring resources to acquire you. Your personal website has your personal brand and introduces yourself and your stories. People like browsing websites because they contain more info includes text, images, videos, links, and other people’s normal lives and opinions. You should consider this to create a personal website: it is not only to help others know you but also to influence them. A personal website is much more dynamic than a resume, you should take control over your online profile. The recruiters could make the judgment on your past experiences, but also your future potential and creativity.

Things to put on your website:

  1. Your elevator pitch. 30-second to cover your future.
  2. Your work examples to help recruiters evaluate your competency.
  3. Your images and posts. The hiring team really wants to know the whole picture of you, rather than just work.
  4. Fun. People like fun things.


Regarding resumes and cover letters, there are so many online resources and templates you can check. I only want to emphasize two parts of your resume. The first thing, to quantify your work experience and achievements. You can put numbers and influences to summarize your accomplishment, which reversely reflects your value. Second, choose a format that can better represent you and your work. Your resume only exists 30 seconds in the recruiting process. Your job is to make sure it passes the software screening and catches the recruiter’s eye.

resume tips:

  1. Put your website, Github, LinkedIn.
  2. Summarize keywords from the job description.
  3. 1 page.

Above all, these create your portfolio and represent the best of you!

