Dan Blue
Nov 2, 2021

Democratic Leader Reacts to Redistricting Results

RALEIGH — Senate Democratic Leader Dan Blue released the following statement on the passage of S740:

“In 2019, I released a joint statement with Senators Daniel, Newton, and Hise lauding that redistricting process as one of the most transparent and fair in modern history. Suffice to say that I will not be issuing a similar statement in 2021.

“The Republican congressional map is the product of our worst political instincts. It is an example of how power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

“The Republican map fails academic analysis, it fails to consider public input, and it fails to adequately meet the committee’s own criteria. It is clear that Republicans are leading North Carolina into another decade of litigation and uncertainty.”

Dan Blue

NC Senate Democratic Leader Representing SD 14, Wake County and North Carolina.