Daniel Karanja
2 min readDec 16, 2023

Building API Documentation in Flask with Swagger: A Step-by-Step Guide


API documentation is crucial for developers to understand how to interact with your web service. Flask, a lightweight and flexible Python web framework, makes it easy to create RESTful APIs. In this article, we’ll explore how to enhance your Flask API with Swagger, a powerful tool for documenting and testing APIs.

Setting Up Flask and Flask-RESTful

Before diving into Swagger, let’s set up a basic Flask API using Flask-RESTful. Install the required packages:

pip install flask flask-restful flasgger

Now, create a simple Flask app with a sample endpoint using Flask-RESTful. This sets the foundation for our API.

Subtitle 2: Integrating Swagger with Flask: To integrate Swagger with Flask, we’ll use the flasgger library. Import Swagger from flasgger and create a Swagger object for your Flask app:

from flasgger import Swagger
app = Flask(__name__)
swagger = Swagger(app)

This object enables automatic generation of Swagger documentation based on your API’s docstrings.

Writing API Endpoints

Define your API endpoints using Flask-RESTful. Ensure each method has a docstring with Swagger annotations for clear documentation. For instance:

class Greetings(Resource):
def get(self):
This is an example endpoint that returns 'Hello, World!'
description: A successful response
application/json: "Hello, World!"
return {'message': 'Hello, World!'}

Generating Swagger Specification

Run your Flask app and navigate to in your browser. Here, you'll find the Swagger UI displaying the automatically generated API documentation. This interface allows users to explore and test your API interactively.

Subtitle 5: Customizing Documentation: Enhance your documentation by adding more details to your docstrings. Leverage Swagger annotations for parameters, request bodies, and response models. Customize tags, descriptions, and examples to provide comprehensive guidance to API users.

class Greetings(Resource):
def get(self):
This is an example endpoint that returns 'Hello, World!'
- Greetings
description: Returns a friendly greeting.
description: A successful response
application/json: "Hello, World!"
return {'message': 'Hello, World!'}

Swagger Configuration

Fine-tune your Swagger documentation by adjusting the Swagger object in your Flask app. You can provide additional information such as the API title, description, and version.

swagger = Swagger(app, template={
"info": {
"title": "My Flask API",
"description": "An example API using Flask and Swagger",
"version": "1.0.0"


Integrating Swagger with Flask simplifies the process of creating and maintaining API documentation. With interactive Swagger UI, developers can effortlessly understand and test your API. By following this step-by-step guide, you can enhance your Flask API with clear and comprehensive Swagger documentation, fostering a smooth developer experience.

Daniel Karanja

Fullstack Developer |Python|Flask|Django| Restful APIs | Javascript| React| TypeScript