The new startup that protects your privacy.

Dan Lewis
5 min readJun 7, 2017


Ever wonder how recruitment agencies find your details and then contact you for irrelevant job opportunities?

Here at Digital Profile we’ve taken the time to explore just how your information is trawled and manipulated by people you don’t even know! The cases of information that unfolded along our journey is actually what lead to us to build our platform. We felt it was time to take back control, and focus on privacy, allowing YOU to decide just how long someone can have access to your information.

Like many professionals across the globe, I’m sure you have a Linkedin account or no doubt you’ve signed up to various other public profiles on countless social platforms. If that is the case, we can bet our bottom dollar that your information has been picked up and sifted through, time and time again through search engines, and viewed by more people and bots that you could even count!

In the digital age there are now numerous tools within the recruitment world that scrape every little piece of your information that’s online. These details are then stored within databases that grant access to the information they’ve stored to the likes of recruitment agencies and companies so that they can contact you.

The tools we’re talking about are usually referred to as data aggregators, and are designed and built for digging out information in order to profile you.

Other tools are used to help companies profile candidates after they’ve applied for a role. These enable recruiters and companies to dig deep into your social profiles and gain any and all public information on you. Now, for those of you that are careful about what you post, great. But for those of you that have been around the social blocks a few times I’m sure there’s a whole host of drunken Saturday night photos lurking in the like of the old myspace sea!

Let’s be honest, wine bottle in hand, looking a little worse for wear doesn’t exactly scream professionalism. Hey, we’re not judging, we all like a tipple now and again, but there are some things we’re rather keep between the weekend crowd, right?

Hold up though, before we get carried away with the negatives, let us just point out that we also recognise social media has incredible benefits. It’s a great way to shout about who you are and what you’re about. From the events you attended over the summer, the books you’ve read, the online tutorials you’ve followed and even allowing others to track the development of projects you’re working on! These are the things you WANT to share with the professional world, the things you’re passionate about that can help further your career. What we want to highlight here is that this sharing of information should be done by you, the user, not a bot or companies going all Shelock Holmes on you.

One of our biggest concerns is just how long your data is held onto, and further more, who exactly is looking at that information? Ever sent across your CV or personal details to a company or recruitment agency and thought a few weeks down the line, I don’t actually want these people to access that file anymore? Sure, you can request that they delete your information but we’re doing one better, we’re giving you the control.

Currently recruitment agencies store your details on average for around six months on receival. This enables them to have the access and knowledge to contact you months later for potential work opportunities, even if you’re not looking or interested.

Not just that, recruitment agencies can actually keep the details of unsuccessful candidates on file, provided that it complies with its duties under the Data Protection Act. The Information commissioner’s Employment practices data protection code states, that unsuccessful candidates should be advised if the recruiter intends to keep their details on file, and given the opportunity to have them removed. That seems fair, but how many recruitment agencies have taken the time to ask if they can keep you on file?

The Act goes on to state that any personal data should not be kept longer than is necessary for the particular purpose for which it is being retained. If the stated purpose of retaining the data is to enable the recruiter to consider the candidate in the event that a further job vacancy arises, the recruiter should have a process in place to ensure that this happens and that the candidate’s details are not kept for longer than appropriate for this purpose. To date, there is no set amount of time in which this information has to be deleted. In order to be compliant, all an agency has to ensure is that the information they hold of you must be up to date. As soon as anything changes they become non compliant.

Within the next year all companies will actually have to be compliant with new regulations coming into play, 25 May 2018, called GDPR. We’ll taking the time to write about this next month, delving into just how the new regulations will affect you as an individual and how others use your information.

Based on all the information above, that is why we taken it upon ourselves to develop an opportunity for individuals to create private profiles. These profiles don’t appear in search engines and won’t allow anyone, be it bots, search engines or companies to access your information. That is unless you want to be found. If you do want to be found for work or a job, great! There is an approved list of businesses that can find you on our platform. However there is a small print — no recruitment agencies though. After all, we don’t want to be just another Linkedin!

Let us just point out that Digital Profile is NOT a social network site, therefore other individuals can’t look at your profile. It is a private network that focuses on matching you to hundreds of career opportunities, from jobs, training courses and relevant events.

Your profile will allow you to pull only the information you want to share from all your social channels at your own choice. You can also send private links for individual jobs, allowing you to redeem access whenever you want. It will also grant you access to insights, even notifying you if they’ve passed your profile on.

We’re here to protect your privacy and empower your personality.



Dan Lewis

Founder of, tech platform for sharing, learning, and progression skills & career