Treat my CV with respect, it's my personal data.

Dan Lewis
2 min readSep 10, 2019

Some would say hiring and privacy are like chalk and cheese, they don’t go together, they clash. With current traditional recruitment/hiring methods & products, they’re focused on delivering the end result and sometimes slip on the principles and controls. Not considering the consent of the individual and their understanding of how their information is being used and treated.

How many HR and Recruitment Practitioners, or even Hiring Managers, print off CVs to sift through in order to find that one shinning person? How many of you have taken those piles of paper home? Who’s left them in plain sight? How many of you have left them in the printer by accident, where anyone else can see them?

These are all traditional habits due to old ways of working. The problem? The individual hasn’t consented to who their information can be shared with. They don’t know how their personal information is being treated. They have no idea that these things are happening.

If you asked someone, “would you mind if I took your information home to be left on the side for my neighbour to have a glance at as they pop round for a cup of tea?”, what would they say?

Not everyone does this, that’s true. But I bet you know someone who has. GDPR puts the responsibility on HR and Recruitment Professionals to make sure that they treat peoples information correctly. But the truth of the matter is that the ownership and responsibility are in the wrong hands. We don’t need to print out paper CVs anymore (Save the trees!). We’re the digital age. There are better ways.

At Digital Profile, we believe that the individual has the right to control their information. Who sees it. Where it goes. Who do they NOT want to have it? It should be in THEIR control and no-one else's.

As the founder of a privacy-focused hiring platform, I am hugely passionate about the individual and their control. There needs to be a change in behaviour. The old ways of working are going, and a new way of thinking is about to come. I’m glad to be leading the way, putting PEOPLE first.



Dan Lewis

Founder of, tech platform for sharing, learning, and progression skills & career