Learn Best tips for the colored pencil Artist with Dan Thayer Attorney

Dan Thayer Attorney
2 min readJun 7, 2017


If you are an artist then it is a perfect platform for learning. Art is a beautiful feeling It can be felt from our soul. Dan Thayer Attorney who is the best artist of Scot land, shares important tips for colored pencil art, but before that you have to understand the value of art from your soul. when we saw a beautiful painting in a museum, then our feelings take us in deeper on that particular painting. Your feelings are very special and Art is the beautiful way to express your feelings.

Here are the best tips for colored pencil artist

  1. Use of the best Quality Brush

If you are an artist then you must have good knowledge about brushes always use best quality brushes

2. Right Selection of Colors

First of all make a clear plan for drawing that you want to draw. Color gives a unique touch to every drawing.

3. Water Drawing

When you start drawing water in your painting, Think about real water and feel the color of water choose right selections of components where you want draw water.



Dan Thayer Attorney

Hello all This is Dan Thayer Attorney I’m an artist. If I talk about my struggle I am a hard worker. Today’s my name Dan Thayer Attorney very famous.