Democracy’s Doomsday Clock

America’s Midterm Vote Tomorrow Could Make Us … or Break Us

Daniel Brenton
4 min readNov 8, 2022


A digital clock displaying 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds. One second to midnight.
Andy0101, “SVG digital clock” | Wikimedia Commons

Time is running out.

I’m reminded of the Doomsday Clock, created and maintained by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. It is precautionary graphic created 75 years ago by the Bulletin, updated by their Science and Security Board annually against multiple criteria to reflect the the level of danger our civilization faces.

To itself.

The farthest the Doomsday Clock has ever been set from Midnight is 19 minutes, with the fall of the Soviet Union.

At the present, the Bulletin’s Science and Security Board places the amount of time to doomsday at 100 seconds.

This is the closest to midnight it has ever been.

The actions of the past administration and the extremist GOP that enabled it have been instrumental in pushing the clock this far, and they’re doing everything they can to cripple our efforts in bringing us back from the edge.

(If you are unfamiliar with the Bulletin and the Doomsday Clock, feel free to read about them here.)

It’s a good analogy for what is happening in the United State right now.



Daniel Brenton

Seeker, Finder, Gratitude rebel, Political Progressive, Satirist, Author/Creator of The 5 Second Novel. • I write about the Meaning of Existence (and all that).