LBF: A Fifth Dimensional Spirit Journey

Daniel Martinez Stahl
7 min readJun 21, 2023


I had an insight today as I was listening to a friend speak about his own spiritual expansion journey, which was one of those powerful a-ha moments for me. Both as a confirmation of my own progress and as a loving affirmation of the work that I’m doing.

So, thank you again Ryan Wilaby for sharing your amazing story and for shining the truth of who you are so brightly that it made it easier for me to see and experience the truth of who I am.

Ryan and I first met when I was referred to connect with him as a potential speaker for my Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit, as part of Season 04. (You can watch our conversation here.) Though we had never met and only spoke once before the session, it was a lot of fun to hear others speak of the friendship that was clear between us throughout the session.

What is a Life Beyond Form™ Spirit Journey

Anyway, as some of you know, I have started sharing with people how it is that I facilitate my Life Beyond Form™ Spirit Journeys. If you are wondering what these are, most of you would know them as Past Life Regressions, and/or some variation of the term Afterlife In-between Lives.

The reason I speak of my work as a Spiritual Journey or a Spirit Journey is because I feel it more accurately represents what we do and where we go. The sessions are actively co-created with and directed by the traveller’s primary Spirit team — which always includes their higher self as a key member of that team — and we go wherever or are “shown” whatever it is that the team feels is most relevant for their person to experience.

These sessions give their Spirit team an opportunity to easily communicate the most relevant messages and share the significance and meaning of what they want to reveal and express. The intention going into these sessions, is always to help them give their person, the traveller, more awareness and an expansive understanding of key topics that are related to the life they are living now, helping them to live a fuller and richer life, with more ease, love and joy.

More Than Just a Technique or Process

My inspiration to “teach” or share my Life Beyond Form™ (LBF) style of Spiritual Regression came as a result of comments made by two beautiful souls, which happened about one year apart.

I had been working with a very experienced facilitator, with many years of experience, and was shocked when she said after our work together, “I’d love to learn more about what you do and how you do it.” I honestly didn’t know what to say other than to share that I was surprised to hear that because I don’t “do” anything.

But I was honored and humbled by her request and the impact of that comment stayed with me. Over time, I slowly began the journey of reflection and introspection, playing with the idea and trying to identify exactly what it was I did and how I did it.

The second comment came from another person I worked with, who experienced a past life during one of our shorter LBF sessions. After the session she said, “I’ve had eight or nine different past life sessions before and I have never experienced anything like what I just experienced.”

The timing of this second comment inspired me to accept the possibility, and even acknowledge, that maybe what I do and how I do it really is different than most other approaches to this kind of spiritual work.

So, now that you know a little about the background, let’s get back to what I wanted to share with you. 🙂

The Insight

As Ryan was speaking about the differences between living and experiencing life from what is commonly referred to as the third, fourth and fifth spiritual dimensions of our human experience, it dawned on me that the reason it’s so hard for me to describe what I do and how I do it, is because I facilitate these LBF journeys from a fifth dimensional space, where I am co-creating and experiencing these amazing journeys with the people who are working with me and Spirit; specifically with their own primary Spirit team.

Another significant moment associated with this insight happened this past Saturday when one of the people currently taking my Life Beyond Form™ Spirit Journey Training-01 class commented on how excited she was to listen to the second demo that is part of the course. She spoke about how it will be much easier for her to notice and pay attention to the words that I use and how I use them this second time around; especially now that she has a better understanding of my approach.

What I shared with her was the invitation for her to go beyond that. To listen for the “why” that exists beyond the words. Now that she has more awareness of how I do things, it’s not about looking for a strategy or a technique. It’s more about feeling into that space before or in-between the words that form the foundation of what I ask and what I share as a Spirit Journey Facilitator.

So, once again, as I was listening to Ryan speak of his own expansion and describing the differences between the three distinct spiritual dimensional spaces that all of us have been playing with in this lifetime, it dawned on me that I’ve been facilitating from a fifth dimensional space. Which is why I don’t think I’m doing anything and why there isn’t a specific technique or approach that I follow.

The Foundation and Grounding Comes First

I simply am; present to the experience and responding as best as I can to what presents itself and what is shared with me by the person that I’m working with—the traveller who is on the Spirit Journey they have graciously invited me to help facilitate. I respond organically to whatever presents itself, as their own Spirit team shares with them what the team wants them to experience or use as a story to share the messages that want to be shared and given.

What I have been trying to get across to the people in my course, as best as I can, is the foundational understanding that exists within me, before and underneath any technique or process. The foundation that drives what I do and how I do it. Because as I have said before, I don’t “do” anything.

So, even though I’m doing my best to show the specifics of my approach—the “technique” or “process”—as best as I can, the bulk of the conversations are more about sharing a deep understanding of who we are as Spirit, who we are as Human and the synergistic relationship between the two. Which fundamentally drives and shapes what can be classified as my “approach” to this work.

In class, we speak about the potentials and possibilities that are available to them, within the depths of their own spiritual intelligence. We speak about how this responsive approach is not about the technique or process and more about the intentions and beliefs they hold as the foundation from which they are coming from as facilitators. We speak about how these Spirit Journeys are a co-creation with Spirit, as both a colleague and an equal — again, mostly with the primary Spirit team of the person we are working with, but inclusive of much more.

It is really empowering and reassuring for me now, to know why it has been so hard for me to put into words how I do the work that I do. But with this new level of awareness about my own work, I’m sure it will make it easier for me to help others understand more fully and more deeply the value of looking within themselves for their guidance. Connecting to the truth of who they are in order to facilitate these fifth dimensional journeys with greater ease, competence and congruency.

Hopefully you have enjoyed me sharing this insight with you and found the sharing of my experience helpful to you and your own journey.

If you would like to experience a Life Beyond Form™ Spirit Journey for yourself, you can learn more and contact me via:

And if you or someone you know is interested in learning how to facilitate Spiritual Journeys, or deepen and expand as an existing Spiritual Regression Facilitator, information for my next LBF Spirit Journey Level-01 course can be found at:

Likewise, if you would like to learn more about Ryan Wilaby and his amazing spiritual coaching work, where he focuses on helping people step even more fully into the absolute knowing of who they are—the truth of who they are, the absolute knowing that they are Source energy, that they are the energy of All That Is—and of how this awareness then leads to even more profound and magical experiences of life, you can go to:

Thank you again for being part of my journey and for the honor (honour) of allowing me to be a part of yours.

Until next time,
Lots of love,
Daniel 🙂❤️

May we all Soar with Inspiration, Explore with Passion and Live with Love.
~ Daniel Martinez Stahl or



Daniel Martinez Stahl ~ Passionate about exploring what it means to be both Spirit and Human. Playing with Spiritual Development, Exploration and Facilitation.