Introducing Reformation Wall Classical Christian School

Daniel Olushola
5 min readNov 18, 2016


R eformation Wall is a Classical Christian K-12 (Elementary, Middle and High) School in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. We offer the best of Classical Christian education, designed to build the foundation for a strong biblical worldview and to cultivate Christ like character in our students.

This institution was Co-founded by Daniel Olushola (B. Eng. Mechanical Engineering, Certificate in Business Management and Entrepreneurship) and Samuel Alfa-Odesola (Founding Pastor, Light on the Hilltop Baptist Church, Abuja, Nigeria).

At Reformation Wall, students are well trained to excel in local and international examinations including WAEC, NECO, GCE, JAMB, NABTEB, SAT, IGCSE, TOEFL etc., with entry opportunity into top universities within Nigeria and around the world.

Our Motto: for the glory of Christ.

Our Mission
Our mission is to equip and empower our students through the Classical Christian education methodology to develop clear thinking and build genuine faith that will enable them to engage and solve our society’s problems for the common good of the people.

As a Classical Christian School, we provide rigorous training in Theology, Apologetics, Logic, Grammar, Rhetoric (The Trivium), Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Sciences and Arts to explore and communicate the riches of God’s creative work in life.

Students at Reformation Wall will have an understanding of the root cause of the problems facing mankind — Sin, and will be equipped with the requisite knowledge to tackle them effectively through the power of the gospel.

Our Vision
Our vision is to graduate young men and women who are mature in the faith, see and interpret life through a biblical worldview and are committed to stand for Christ in the midst of growing cultural hostility.

True learning is impossible without the recognition that Christ is the fountain of all true knowledge and this is the goal of the classical Christian education which we subscribe to. When learning institutions disconnect schooling from the glory and person of Christ, a naturalistic, materialistic & pragmatic learning methodology is employed; this is not only tragic to the family but also for the Church and the society.

Students must be equipped to stand against the evil in our culture for the sake of Christ, the commonwealth of society and the advancement of His Church. “That Christ be the beginning and the end and the supreme goal of our education” said the Puritan pastor, Richard Baxter.

We acknowledge that God reveals himself clearly in scripture and that “his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made, so we are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20 ESV). We affirm that Man’s chief end in the academia is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever and anything done to this end is for a greater cause.

At Reformation Wall, We understand the importance of the use of technology to enhance students learning thus we make available hardware namely electronic class boards, laptops, projectors, tablets and learning management software such as Moodle and Google Education (G-Suit), to create and cultivate personalized learning environments using cloud-based technology to host and distribute digital documents, communication, and collaboration between teachers and students both locally and internationally. Students will gain access to millions of textbooks from diverse authors, videos and study materials on our e-learning platform.

Our Core Values
1. Passion for Christ and Scripture
2. Community
3. Service
4. Creativity
5. For the glory of Christ

Our Scholastic Effort

Scholastic effort presenting itself as modern education is not the invention of novel men. The Christian worldview structures and towers rightly upon the sweat of the medieval scholars and thinkers who were mainly reformers and puritans. In fact, the secularist worldview that has consumed our Universities and colleges, patterns its perversion off the godly efforts of Luther, Melanchthon, Zwingli, Bucer, Calvin, Knox and the Puritans. The descent of Christian Scholastic effort is gaining momentum, especially due to the intolerant nature our culture has for anything which claims exclusivity of truth and this was the sole reason Luther wrote the Christian nobility of the German that “I greatly fear that Universities, unless they teach the Holy Scripture diligently and impress them on young students, are wide gates to hell.”

The laser of the classical christian education education was directed to the salvation of mankind, a vision which has been lost within Christian institutions. We need to retrieve the mind of historical education set by the Puritans and reformers or we risk what it was the awareness of the value of Christian scholarship as it prompted Richard Baxter in his treatise to the Reformed Pastors to say: “and, therefore, I shall presume to tell you, by the way that it is a grand error, and of dangerous consequence in Christian academics, that they study the creature before the Redeemer, and set themselves to physics, and metaphysics, and mathematics, before they set themselves to theology; whereas, no man that hath not the vitals of Theology, is capable of going beyond a fool in philosophy. Theology must lay the foundation, and lead the way for other study efforts. A biblical vision for all things is crucial in this age and time

Our Focus at Reformation Wall

The puritans and reformers took a holistic approach in their academia. A dive into their works will reveal how they intertwine theology, logic, astronomy and other relevant subjects to communicate and explore the riches of life as bestowed on them by God. They had a deep knowledge of special revelation as revealed in scripture and an awareness of natural revelation as they interacted with nature. We need to recover this lost treasure in our colleges and universities as it will help direct young men and women in understanding the chief end of life; knowing God, glorifying Him and enjoying him forever. The vision of classical christian education is being rejuvenated at the Reformation Wall.


Daniel Olushola graduated from Covenant University, Nigeria, with a Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He obtained a certificate in Leadership Development and Entrepreneurial development training from the same institution.

Daniel Olushola has also been trained by African Management Initiative, Kenya and Global Business Foundation, Nigeria in Business management and Entrepreneurship.

His passion to disrupt the educational system in Nigeria and Africa stems from the absence of qualitative educational resources and technology in offered at a low-cost.

He writes frequently on Theology, Entrepreneurship, Education and Poetry. He serves as an Editor of Truth Still Speaks ( and his works often appear on independent Blogs, the Nations Newspaper Nigeria and The Majesty’s Men ( in the United States of America.

Reformation Wall School Courses


- Grammar I
- Worldview I
- Leadership, Entrepreneurship/Vocational Studies I
- Greek I
- Music I

- Grammar II
- Worldview II
- Leadership, Entrepreneurship/Vocational Studies II
- Greek II
- Music II

- Logic I
- Church History I
- Leadership, Entrepreneurship/Vocational Studies III
- Greek III
- Music III

- English Language
- Mathematics
- Basic Science
- Basic Technology
- Christian Religious Studies
- Information Communication Technology
- Social Studies
- Home Economics


- Logic II
- Church History II
- Leadership, Entrepreneurship/Vocational Studies IV
- Latin I
- Music IV

- Rhetoric I
- Theology/Apologetics I
- Leadership, Entrepreneurship/Vocational Studies V
- Latin II
- Music V

- Rhetoric I
- Theology/Apologetics II
- Leadership, Entrepreneurship/Vocational Studies VI
- Latin III
- Music VI

- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- English Language
- Biology
- Economics
- Accounting
- Commerce
- History
- Economics
- Christian Religious Studies
- Basic Engineering Drawing
- Information Communication Technology
- Geography
- Agricultural Science



Daniel Olushola

| Founder/President @ReformationWall | Educator | Reformed Theology |