What shutting down and re-booting means for the bodyAre humans and bodies supposed to work like machines? Shut down what you don’t need, switch on what you want? And when the switch is on…May 12, 2020May 12, 2020
Using ‘gap days’ to reconnect and set intentionsHow has your week been so far? It’s Thursday already. And for many of us it’s a short week because Monday was a holiday. Isn’t it strange…Apr 16, 2020Apr 16, 2020
Dusting off the corners of your bodyToday I want to invite you to not look for elephants and the big issues and blocks that we are mostly busy with.Mar 27, 2020Mar 27, 2020
The World after CoronaA retrospective forecast on Corona: How surprised we will be when the crisis is ‘over.’Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020
Letting go of useless thoughtsWhen I do spring cleaning at home, I not only get rid of the dust in the corners and clean the windows, I also move the furniture to see…Mar 12, 2020Mar 12, 2020
The boundaries of cloudsWhenever I’m preparing for a workshop or have a focus subject for myself, I’m exploring it in different aspects of my daily life. (My…Feb 17, 2020Feb 17, 2020
Do you have a monthly focus?The year is still fresh and there’s plenty of time for you to shape your everyday life in small ways that can have a big impact over time.Jan 23, 2020Jan 23, 2020
The most basic of choicesAlso knowing that when you don’t make a decision, you’ve made a decision is key to embracing your own strength and individuality. Owning…Dec 10, 2019Dec 10, 2019
A workshop is not a lectureEspecially in the business context, I have experienced the following procedure time and again:Nov 12, 2019Nov 12, 2019
Vocabulary for a good lifeIs it odd that we seem to have more vocabulary for what is uncomfortable or doesn’t work? And how does this tendency influence our…Oct 22, 2019Oct 22, 2019