Take Nothing For Granted

Life Goes By Far More Quickly Than We Realize

Danielle Elizabeth Andrews
3 min readOct 12, 2023
Photo by Benjamin R. on Unsplash

Far too many of us seem to have this habit of taking things for granted. Taking people for granted. This is a lesson that I learned very early on to avoid and it has been firmly reinforced lately. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. There is no guarantee that things will be as they are today when tomorrow comes.

Loved ones, homes, jobs, our seemingly good health, all of these things can disappear in an instant. I’ve experienced the loss of each at one time or another. Your life can literally change in a flash. So why are you still taking anything for granted? Is it because you’ve never experienced any great loss? Or is it simply out of habit? Out of the constant presence of someone or something that leads you to believe they or it will always be there, no matter what?

Unfortunately, there are few constants in life. Nothing seems to remain forever. “All that shimmers is sure to fade away.” Those that we’d do anything for, often are not as loyal. Those that we’d protect by any means may ultimately be one of the first to strike. When times are hard you’ll discover who truly cares about you. Those who don’t? They’ll turn like the tides. These are the ones you’ll learn that you do not need in your life.



Danielle Elizabeth Andrews

An avid reader who also loves writing about all sorts of things (Life, love, family, books, poetry, the world around us)