The Brown Bird Of Hope

As Emily Dickinson Once Said, “Hope Is The Thing With Feathers.”

Danielle Elizabeth Andrews
3 min readOct 11, 2023
Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

Hand pressed to the frigid glass,
Nose a mere inch from the window,
My eyes searched for a sign,
Any sign that everything would be okay.

Where was my bluebird of happiness?
Did such a creature exist?

All external noises were muffled,
Yet I could almost make out a faint birdsong.
Maybe, at that point, the chirping was a figment of my imagination.
Still, I longed for a sign.

Would a bluebird of happiness appear before me?
Would the dreary gray of a cold September afternoon, clear up enough for some hopeful rays to peek through?
Would anyone come, bearing a message of hope and inspiration?

At that moment, I desperately clung to my final shred of hope.
I felt as though the entire world had turned its back on me.
I felt swallowed up by my grief and growing fears.
I longed for a sign, any sign.

No bluebird of happiness ever appeared,
Instead, a round little brown bird landed…



Danielle Elizabeth Andrews

An avid reader who also loves writing about all sorts of things (Life, love, family, books, poetry, the world around us)