I’m Going to Get a PhD!

Danielle Hestand
2 min readMar 10, 2022
Photo from Pixabay

I felt just ecstatic yesterday when I received something I’d very much been hoping for— my PhD acceptance letter. In May, I’ll be graduating with my Master of Arts in English, Literary Studies Concentration. Then in the fall, it’s onto my doctoral degree.

Since my early teens, I’ve known I’d want to get a PhD, so I am super happy right now. I love literature, research, writing, and learning. It’s really the perfect thing for me to do.

I’ll be specializing in Victorian literature which I’ve adored since I was twelve. It will be so fun! It’ll be an excuse to read and take notes on massive amounts of Victorian literature. With the program I’m taking, some of my classes will also be on other literary periods in addition which is great. Gaining a combination of both broad and more focused knowledge is wonderful.

For my degree, I’ll be taking a comprehensive exam and writing a dissertation in addition to taking classes. For anyone unfamiliar with a dissertation, it’s a book-length project that incorporates all the scholarship on the thing one is writing about and requires finding something entirely new to say. Thinking of something no one has said before is one of the most thrilling parts of it and something I’ve also been doing for my M.A. thesis (which is about forty or fifty pages rather than book-length).



Danielle Hestand

I am passionate about literature, feminism, animals, and critical thinking. I love learning and sharing ideas.