Mattermark is “Perfect for Sales Prospecting”

Danielle Morrill
1 min readNov 5, 2014


Nothing like a little customer testimonial to start the day off right!

How It Works

Mattermark makes it dead simple to start researching targets for sales prospecting. Our filters let you pick from tons of criteria to whittle the wide world of business down to a hyper-targeted group of companies you actually will be excited to call.

  • Geography
  • Company size
  • Industry
  • Business Model
  • B2B vs. B2C
  • Keywords
  • Funding Amounts & Dates
  • Traction & Growth Metrics

I’d love to show you how we do it, and how to get started. Close out this year strong in sales and use Mattermark to blow quota out of the water in 2015. In fact, I’m using our own tool to find new customers for Mattermark.

So meta.

Drop me a note at for a demo and free trial.

