Please, No More Shiny Plastic Internet

Yay for humans!

Danielle Morrill
1 min readAug 8, 2014

On Secret people are talking about their sexual desires, dark depression, loneliness, heartbreak, misogyny, masochism, God, war, politics and death.

A friend is closing a round soon, and we spent an hour late last night laughing and catching up on Google Hangout from our respective beds.

Today LinkedIn recommended I send an invitation to connect with a friend. Unfortunately, he has been dead for a couple years now.

I read a thoughtful post about Gaza/Israel that really made me think, but I was scared to share it on social networks because I’m not sure people would get what I got out of it and I might offend dear friends on accident.

I got told off via Twitter DMs for being too self-promotional.

All these things made me feel strong emotions. Sometimes they’re uncomfortable, but they are real.

I want the Internet to reflect more of my human experience. Kindness, bullying, discord, warmth… they’re all out there in the real world. I’m tired of this shiny plastic Internet.

