Our vision: One Planet. One Health.

Each time we eat and drink, we can vote for the world we want to live in.

4 min readDec 19, 2017


This powerful idea is at the heart of the Alimentation Revolution. A revolution led by Danoners, together with consumers, retailers, farmers, suppliers and NGOs all designing, producing, marketing and consuming food in a new way — a way to protect and nourish health of the people and health of the planet.

We’ve chosen this path because at Danone, we want to be a change agent — a catalyst of this revolution. We want to make the Alimentation Revolution a reality for as many people as possible, all across the world. Why? Because we believe in a food and water ecosystem that works in harmony with people, communities and the environment. Where our relationship with the 900 million people who buy our brands is a force for good.

We believe a healthy body needs healthy food. And healthy food needs a healthy planet. All with healthy ecosystems and strong, resilient social structures. We simply can’t have one without the others.

That’s what our new signature, “One Planet One Health”, encapsulates. It’s a rallying call to everyone to join the Alimentation Revolution. To join us in unleashing the power of food and drink to change our lives and the world.

This “One Planet. One Health” signature marks a new endeavour for Danone. But it comes from the same pioneering spirit we’ve always had. In 1972, Antoine Riboud said: “There is only one Earth. We only live once”. Those words kick-started a vision that lives on today: to bring health to our company and its ecosystem, to our planet, and to generations of people, now and in the future.

And we work to make these words a reality every day.



We embrace new visions for sustainable agriculture. We are convinced that agriculture must respect and protect the people and the planet while consuming less and using natural resources in an efficient way. We co-developed tailored models and approaches with the 140,000 farmers who grow the best quality food for us. We create disruptive business solutions to be developed hand in hand with local partners and NGOs. We are transforming our business model so that we can play our part in the fight against climate change, implementing carbon positive solutions.

We want to co-build the circular economy of packaging: sourcing sustainable materials and creating a second-life for all plastics.



We made it our mission to bring health through food to as many people as possible. We focus on healthy categories through dairy, plant-based products, water and specialised nutrition for early lives and patients with a broad range of medical conditions. Every year, we improve the nutrition profile of 30% of our products so we can offer the best food and beverages. And, through the acquisition of WhiteWave, we’ve added a wide variety of great-tasting, healthier food to our existing health-focused portfolio.


By understanding how people eat and drink across the world, we can find new ways to inspire healthy choices. We innovate to offer new & better alternatives. One way we’ve put the insights into action, is the launch of fun water bottles to encourage children to enjoy water rather than less healthy drinks.


By aiming to obtain a global B Corp certification, we will be making sustainable business mainstream. Our certification will be a symbol to the world that we are committed to making our business a force for good. Four of Danone’s subsidiaries have already earned B Corp certification: Danone Dairy (Spain), Happy Family (U.S.), Aguas Danone (Argentina), Les Prés Rient Bios (France), while DanoneWave has just announced its certification ambition in the USA by 2020. Of course, we are not perfect: there is still much work to be done to reach our vision. But we have a big ambition and — today more than ever — we know we are not alone in striving for it.

The enthusiasm, commitment and tireless work of our teams, suppliers, customers, farmers and partners is inspiring and energising. Together, we are finding new ways to protect and nourish health of the people and health of the planet. Together, we are driving the Alimentation Revolution. We are part of the movement to change the world through food and beverages. With those who can vote and for those who can’t, join the movement!



Our mission is to bring health through food to as many people as possible, in a sustainable way. #Food #Health #Sustainability