When a Woman Says “I’m Going to Sleep,” Only Fools Reply with “Goodnight”

Daphne Laffer
4 min readJun 1, 2024
Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

Before I had a boyfriend, I always thought that I should tell my partner everything that’s on my mind. But after I got into a relationship, I realized that girls often don’t say what they truly think, especially when they’re in love. Sometimes they might even intentionally say the opposite of what they mean.

I saw a funny conversation online:

Girl: “You just don’t understand me!”

Boy: “How would I know if you don’t tell me?”

Girl: “You should know even if I don’t say it.”

Boy: “If you say it, then I’ll know!”

Girl: “What’s the point of saying it then?”

The boy was totally confused after the girl replied like that.

So sometimes women are like that. They might not express their true thoughts, especially when they’re in love. When a woman says “I’m going to sleep” to a man, if the man replies with “Goodnight,” the woman will definitely be unhappy because she wants the man to think about her too, not just wish her a good night’s sleep.

To be a high-emotional-intelligence person, you need to learn how to respond to a woman’s “I’m going to sleep” by saying something that touches her heart. Even if you can’t always do that…



Daphne Laffer

I'm a dreamer and a doer, using the power of words to spark conversations and spread positivity.