6 Secrets to Long Lasting Relationships

Dario Rosa
2 min readNov 10, 2015








What I’m basically saying is that staying together is not rocket science. Real life is not like a fairy tale. Like many things in life, successful long-lasting relationships are all about endurance. Once you find someone you love, hold on with all your might. Things will get difficult sometimes, and a lot of times the little loser inside of you is gonna try to convince you to bail. But all great relationships go through hell, real relationships get through it. If you’ve found someone that makes you feel truly happy, then you’ve got something special, and he or she is worth fighting for. Ask the real grown ups and they’ll tell you, it’s a good fight. Remember this….

…bonus secrets to long lasting relationships include:

a. Hate the same things. Like the Dallas Cowboys or the sight of dudes with pants hanging off their ass

b. Reinvent yourself / keep it fresh. Ladies, take a pole dancing class. Bros get in the gym, give her something she can feel

c. Have affairs with each other. Break up the monotony, get a room and hook up once in a while

d. Travel together. There’s nothing like experiencing something for the first time with the one you love

