Dark Earth Raids Strategy Game — Basic Concepts

Dark Earth
8 min readJun 21, 2022


Ahead of our next NFT sale, we bring you a first look at our Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game. An approach to our demo that you will be able to enjoy soon and know, first hand, how you will be able to make use of those valuable cards you have acquired.

In this first version, the playable bases of Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game are presented through a combat system against an AI prepared for the occasion.

Please note that this document covers the early stages of the development of Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game, so this is an initial version that continues to evolve and grow to offer a complete and exciting game experience. Welcome to Planet Leira!

What is Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game?

Earth is becoming a place where it is impossible to live. A space exploration ship catches sight of a new planet in the distance. The new Eden: Leira.

So begins this adventure in which players from all over the world will face each other 1 vs 1 battles to take over the valuable resources of Leira and establish themselves as the most powerful civilization of this new world.

Throw yourself into the battle with two decks, each with its own unique functionalities, giving you the option to craft your strategy. The Squad deck, which is made up of the main combat cards, and the Conquest deck, which allows you to deploy abilities.

Each deck is composed of a total of 20 cards. 40 cards in total that can change the course of a battle in a matter of seconds.

In this first version of the game, we offer you the possibility of choosing one of five different decks, so you may get to know our factions — Terrans, Bioshara, Gladios, Musktars, Askari — their advantages and characteristics. Adapt yourself to each one of them and become a legend of Leira.

The objective of each combat is to get the valuable Cosmium. The Cosmium is the material that moves Leira. Necessary for the day-to-day and coveted by all and sundry. Getting 20 will make you the winner. But beware, falling to 0 will cost you an embarrassing defeat.

Types of cards and elements


There are two types of consumables that you will always have to keep in mind. First, the Cosmium. You already know it. It is your main objective. Getting it is the difference between victory and death.


Secondly, you have the Resources. A currency created for Dark Earth that will allow you to buy your cards. Without Resources, there are no cards, without cards, victory is impossible.



In Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game you can find up to five types of cards:

● Settlements: Main card of each deck. This card indicates which faction your deck belongs to and, in addition, grants advantages and abilities. Not only that, but each Settlement has a construction cost that will allow you to obtain Cosmium from the beginning of the game.

● Tactics: Ability cards that can affect both your units and your opponent’s units. They are part of the Conquest deck.

● Equipments: Cards that are linked to a unit to modify its parameters, either positively or negatively. They are part of the Conquest deck.

● Supports: The main support of your army. They can help in your attacks or defenses, deploying their power and different abilities. They are part of the Squad deck.

● Unit: Your combat troops. They will allow you to perform those attacks so necessary to seize the Cosmium. They are part of the Squad deck.

How to play?

Game Board

The Game Board presents a clear separation between three zones. On the one hand, we have the two Settlement Zones of each player. And, separated from the rest, the Battle Zone.

Dark Earth Raids Strategy Game Board

Each user zone is further divided into several aspects. In each player zone, you will see the visual representation of his settlement card. You can also see which cards he has ready to recruit and how many cards he has left in his hand.

In addition, you will be able to see those cards that your opponent can draft. However, the hand will never be visible, so these hidden cards will allow you to adjust your strategy without the risk of being discovered.

When you launch an attack, your units and those of your opponent can be mobilized to fight. The map will then change to present the battle zone, highlighting the attacked settlement or the central game mine.


The central mine, already mentioned in previous phases of this document, has an initial value in Cosmium of 30. The construction cost of each Settlement is extracted from it and, from that moment on, it becomes the main target of each user’s attacks to get its contents.



With a Unit recruited and ready, you can select an attack target and send it after the valuable Cosmium. But be careful, your enemy will also be alert and will prepare for defense. Be very careful with the attack values of each army, because a bad maneuver on your part can benefit your opponent more than you can imagine.

Game Turn

Each game turn is shared by both users. Each turn is divided into several phases:

● At the Beginning of Turn, each player will receive a set of Resources to start moving on the battlefield. In addition, in the first turn, you will get your first cards for recruiting and for your hand. At the start of the turn, all cards in play can automatically cast abilities if their characteristics state so.

o It will also be decided at this moment, which player has the first move. This is called Initiative. The initiative is defined by the Cosmium value of each settlement. That is, if your Cosmium level at the beginning of the turn is higher than your opponent’s, you will have the first move.

● Deployment is the central phase of the game. The player who has the initiative may make the first move. These moves, or commands, are alternating. Each user will play one and give the turn to the other player until a total of 4 are consumed or until both pass consecutively. In this phase you can:

o Pass your turn, which will consume one of your commands and yield the turn to your opponent.

o Recruit a card, either a Support or a Unit.

o Play a card from your hand, either an Equipment or a Tactic.

o Play an ability.

o Cast a RAID.

● The Raid, although it is not a main phase of the turn, as it is voluntary and does not have to take place every turn, it is part of the battle phase. A player who has a recruited Unit can launch an attack against the central mine or against the opponent’s base.

Raid phase

● Finally, we have the last phase of the turn, where the armies prepare for the next game turn. In addition, your hand will increase its total number of cards by one (up to a maximum of 8) and your recruitment cards will be renewed.


Cost, Strength and Survival

Each card can reach up to three fundamental values:

Its cost, located in the upper left corner of each card, marks its value in Resources. Therefore, you will need that amount to put it into play.

Its Strength, located in the lower left corner, marks the attack power of a Unit. In the case of Equipment, for example, this value indicates how much it will boost the card to which it is attached.

Its Survival, located in the lower right corner, marks the life of each card. In the case of Equipment, for example, this value indicates how much it will boost the card it joins.

Card values and skills


In Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game, each deck is composed of two decks and a minimum of 41 cards. The Settlement card is crucial, as it defines the faction your deck belongs to and establishes certain limitations in its construction.

Each desk (Squad y Conquest) will have a minimum of 20 cards, with no limit to the total number of cards it can have.


Each card can have a series of special abilities and characteristics that will be launched at different moments of the game.

Some of them work manually, offering you the possibility to activate them as you wish at the moment you consider most propitious. Others, however, will be activated automatically when it is time for them to be activated.

UnReady and Ready States

One of the basic mechanics of Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game, and to which you will have to pay a lot of attention, is the UnReady and Ready states. These states are specific to Unit type cards and allow them to act in the battle phases.

A newly recruited card will appear with the Ready state. Therefore, you can send it to a battle. When it returns from battle, or due to the effect of other cards or abilities, it will adopt the UnReady state. In this state, the Unit will not be able to participate in a new combat, at least, until the turn is over.

Once the end of the turn is reached, the card leaves the UnReady state, but this costs one point in its Survival. You must be very careful.

About the game

Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game is a cards and strategy video game whose main objective is to get the exceptional Cosmium, an element of Leira, the world where the action takes place, to defeat the opponent.

It bases its game system on online games, one against one, in different modalities, in which each user makes use of a personalized deck of cards to face his opponent.

The Cosmium is the main resource of the game and the objective of the users. Obtaining a total of 20 Cosmium units is the main victory condition of the game.

Each user makes use of their card deck, composed of both attack units and power-ups, to carry out different Raids, both in a Mine and on the Opponent Settlement. There will also be other types of cards that will allow interacting with other elements of the game and that offer the possibility of developing a unique strategy for each user.

The various factions that are part of the universe have different skills. Some have a superior defensive capability, while other factions focus on attack, so learning to manage each of them and exploit their virtues will be key to get the Cosmium needed to win the game.

In short, Dark Earth: Raids Strategy Game is a card videogame in which strategy and resource control make the difference.

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Dark Earth

Dark Earth is an online collectible NFT Card Game. ⚔️ Play | 💎 Earn | 🃏 Collect | 🤩 Enjoy | 🌐 VISIT OUR WEBSITE ➡️ https://darkearth.gg/