What Is Dark Fusion’s Simple Contract Language (SCL)

Dark Fusion Tech
5 min readSep 26, 2023

Dark Fusion has engineered the first major breakthrough in infrastructure on the Bitcoin blockchain in years. Through years of research and development, we’ve created Simple Contract Language (SCL) the first smart contract modeling language designed for compatibility with the Bitcoin blockchain and other UTxOs.

Simple Contract Language (SCL)

Today, our understanding of smart contracts is on nearly a decade of legacy implementations, where smart contract frameworks have traditionally been packaged and built into a native blockchain solution. The original belief was that smart contracts would be limited to processing transactions based on certain on-chain conditions. The original examples were basic condition-based processes where digital assets were transferred upon an agreement of conditions and rules, such as through votes on a DAO. However, we quickly saw developers using smart contracts to process on-chain transactions using off-chain data, as in the case of escrow contracts, resulting in the need for Oracles. Over time, smart contracts began to evolve far beyond their design, demonstrating their limitations.

SCL is the first smart contract modeling language that is chain and layer-agnostic. Think of it as a Smart Contract as a Service, where the coding standard and framework can be deployed on nearly any distributed ledger technology. We disrupt the paradigm where smart contracts are pre-packaged products of a distributed ledger by decoupling this technology from a native blockchain solution and offering it as a standalone framework.

We initially demonstrate SCL’s significant breakthrough using the Lightning Network and the Bitcoin protocol, however, SCL can operate on any first, second, third, or higher order layer solution as an independent smart contract coding standard, providing it nearly unlimited potential use-cases including cross-chain integrations.

We imagine a future where new distributed ledger technologies no longer need to create and model their own smart contract solutions, but instead focus on developing the best possible tech and simply bolting on Dark Fusion SCL, cutting development times while gaining SCL’s quickly growing community of developers and projects.

Benefits of Simple Contract Language (SCL):

Dark Fusion’s SCL provides several important benefits not possible with current smart contract Technologies:

Layer Independent — SCL is chain-agnostic and not bound to a native blockchain (Layer 1) like other smart contract implementations. Contracts built using SCL have the ability to interact with and witness transactions on any layer, such as Layer 1, Layer 2, Layer 3, and onward, greatly expanding the depth of its functionality.

Not limited by block times — since SCL is an independent and distinct smart contract technology it is not bound to a native blockchain layer, and thus does not need to contend with slow block times and finality. SCL can run on virtually any distributed ledger technology, including second or third-layer implementations. When running on the Lightning Network transactions occur nearly instantaneously.

Not limited by block data sizes — by being decoupled from a native blockchain layer, SCL no longer inherits its design choices such as block data sizes enabling true scalability that isn’t constrained by an underlying public blockchain.

Data efficient — data no longer needs to be propagated to an entire network of thousands of nodes. Data is as distributed and redundant as the parties who use the data desire eliminating the need for time-consuming data propagation protocols.

Decentralized — while SCL avoids the inefficiencies of native blockchain layers because it eventually settles transactions back to layer 1, it receives all of the benefits of decentralization built into the underlying blockchain layer.

Transparent — smart contracts and their applications can be independently verified and audited as needed.

Mutable — smart contracts can be updated, fixed, patched, and upgraded without losing security and integrity leading to a substantially better user experience and improved project optics. Mutability also reduces developer fatigue and stress and enables a project to launch sooner into the market while avoiding costly and time consuming rounds of auditing.

Coding language agnostic — SCL is designed to be built on any standard
development language enabling existing software developers to gain rapid context and thus greatly shortening a project’s time to market. Using mainstream software language also means SCL contracts have the potential to be more secure, as developers are not learning a new language on the fly while building sensitive code.

How Simple Contract Language Works

The key breakthrough in SCL’s design is its decoupling from an inefficient public distributed ledger. To this day, smart contracts have always been directly linked and integrated with a native blockchain layer. By disrupting this long standard paradigm, Dark Fusion transforms the way Web3 applications are built greatly adding efficiency, scalability, reliability, and low cost in the process.

SCL is a layer-independent smart contract modeling language that can operate and execute on any second-layer UTxO solution such as Lightning Lab’s Lightning Network. By operating in this way, SCL inherits the efficiency and scalability of the layer 2 solution it is executing on, while gaining the benefits of the decentralization and distribution of its underlying blockchain, leveraging the very best of both worlds, and passing through these benefits to third party apps and the Dark Fusion Product Suite.

“UTxO as cryptographic seals — SCL leverages Lightning Network’s use of UTxOs as cryptographic seals allowing smart contract transactions to ultimately settle and finalize on layer 1.”

Native Hosting

Traditional smart contracts are hosted and executed on their native blockchains. This adds significant bloat to their networks especially when smart contracts are used to store data. Since the theoretical limit of data storage on an EVM smart contract is extremely high (2261 bytes), things can get out of hand fairly quickly. Currently, Ethereum’s full node sync archival size is at a staggering 15.2 TB. As these values continue to scale linearly, blockchains are in need of an efficient solution.

With SCL decoupled from a native blockchain, contract code, and data payloads are no longer stored on chain, greatly reducing their bloat. However, contract code and any data stores must then be stored elsewhere. Dark Fusion handles this by implementing a data hosting solution within its ecosystem. Both Dark Fusion hosted and third-party decentralized validators store this data and get rewarded in DFT tokens to process SCL transactions that are executed on their machines. They also earn staking rewards for doing so as well.

Dark Fusion’s Simple Contract Language (SCL) is the first chain-agnostic smart contract modeling language that solves the limitations of current smart contract technologies. SCL offers layer independence, scalability, efficiency, mutability, and code language agnosticism, making it the ideal platform for building next-generation Web3 applications.

To learn more about SCL and how it can transform your projects, visit the Dark Fusion website today!

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Dark Fusion Tech

⚡ Smart contract tooling and tokens for Bitcoin layer 1 and layer 2. Including support for any UTXO based blockchain. Introducing SCL⚡