Archetyp: In Depth on One of the World’s Largest Darknet Marketplaces

Dark Web Informer
5 min readJan 30, 2024


Archetyp Market Login Page (Blur shows Onion and Clearnet URL Onion Mirror)

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Archetyp is a drug only marketplace and initially began as an EU only market, but later turned into a Worldwide operation.

Archetyp is one of only 5 markets on Dread’s Darknet Markets Superlist. They are considered the #1/#2 market in the world. Incognito Market shares the same #1/#2 market status based on the number of vendors. We will go into Incognito Market on a future Medium article.

Archetyp was initially announced in May 2020. Since then Archetyp has become one of the largest Darknet markets in the world.

Let us go in depth on what makes this market a favorite for many users.

User Experience / User Interface

Archetyp’s UI/UX is one of the best we have seen when it comes to a marketplace. The market is very easy to navigate with a small header at the top that allows you to do the following: Access the market, access the forum, your Orders, Disputes, Messages, Shopping Cart, Profile, Favorite Listings/Vendors/Feedback, Wallet showing how much you have on the market, Get help/support, access settings and Logout.

Archetyp Navigation Bar

Archetyp has a clean interface allowing you to do a quick search by clicking on a category. You also have the ability to do a more in depth search by finding specific vendors by clicking the drop down, a specific drug category, Source (country) and Destination (country), minimum amount, unit type (mg, g, oz, lb, kg, pill, tab, ml, other, all), from/to price, and search term. As you can see from the category list, there are currently 11,499 different listings.

Archetyp Marketplace Categories and Search Options
Archetyp Market

Stats on Archetyp Market

A brief rundown of the statistics on Archetyp is very impressive. If you are going by amount of vendors, Archetyp is slightly ahead of Incognito Market at #1. If you go by listings, Incognito Market is #1 in that regard.

Users: 340,018
Vendors: 1,895
Listings: 11,499
Banned: 3,922

Archetyp Market Statistics

Community Forum / Arche Wiki / Patch notes / Team

Archetyp has put together a forum that is highly active. Some topics in the screenshots below are Archetyp, Vendors, Drugs, Knowledge, Offtopic, Contests, Games, and Junkyard.

Archetyp Forums 1 of 2
Archetyp Forums 2 of 2

Archetyp has a Wiki with various categories. It contains the Darknet Market Buyers Bible which is recommended to follow if you do happen to make a purchase on any Darknet market. It also has various other categories as seen in the screenshot below.

Archetyp Wiki

Patch notes are provided via the community forum when updates are made to the Archetyp marketplace.

Patch notes via Archetyp Forum

The Archetyp team that is working behind the Market is open for everyone to see. “Obamaphone” has had their avatar blurred due to what Medium would call pornographic material.

Features of Archetyp Marketplace

Archetyp has some of the following features:

  • Escrow / FE (Auto-FE with a timer of 5–99 days).
  • Direct withdrawals with no waiting time.
  • Automated vacation for vendors, after 5 days of inactivity.
  • Login + Display username to increase security.
  • A Deadpool to bet on markets + general betting features (user modded).
  • No image mode, to disable images from loading, resulting in an even better performance.
  • Detailed referral-system with statistics (Sales, earnings, users referred).
  • Disputes can be solved without a mod.
  • Onion list — feel free to request your service to get listed.
  • XMR only.
  • 5% commission with a 1€ withdrawal fee (flat).

Rules and How to Become a Vendor

Archetyp is a drug only marketplace. The rules and requirements to become a vendor on the market, are the following:


  • No weapons
  • No porn
  • No racism
  • No poisons
  • No fraud or similar
Archetyp Become a Vendor
Archetyp Become a Vendor Application

Deadpool / Vendor stores

Archetyp has a Deadpool section. Deadpool is a game of prediction which involves guessing when a market will die by either Bust, Exit Scam or Retiring Peacefully.

From the below screenshot, some don’t appear to be updated, such as White House and Bohemia.

Archetyp also has a Vendor stores section, which allows you to search all the vendors on the marketplace.

Archetyp Vendor Search

Product Categories

As discussed earlier regarding Archetyp’s UI/UX, Archetyp has 15 distinct categories and approximately 11,499 listings. You can choose from any of the below categories.

  • Cannabis
  • Stimulants
  • Ecstasy
  • Designer Drugs
  • Opiates
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Psychedelics
  • Prescriptions
  • Steroids
  • Dissociatives
  • Chemicals
  • Headshop
  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Other
Archetyp Categories

DISLCAIMER NOTE: Using a Darknet marketplace is at your own risk. Some of these risks include the Market admin Exit scamming, Market seizure by law enforcement, losing money to a vendor that is scamming, and so many more possibilities.

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