DarleyGo Metaverse: Quick Start and Basics

6 min readJan 15, 2022


DarleyGo is a horseracing game built on the Solana platform that allows players to purchase, race, collect, and breed NFT horses. The game is based on real-world horse myths, and it combines the fun of horseracing and imaginative game lore to produce an exciting game. Each NFT horse in the DarleyGo universe is unique, with distinct abilities and characteristics depending on its pedigree.


Players are paying attention to digital ownership and monetization in a game’s ecosystem more than ever before. Thanks to the exponential growth in blockchain technology and NFT adoption, players can now own all their in-game digital assets!

To transform our ideas into reality, we chose Solana for its ultra-high-speed, low transaction cost, and competitive ecosystem. These properties enable a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience for players.



DarleyGo uses a dual-token model for its in-game economy. $GXE is a low-velocity token that provides a solid monetary base for the game’s economy, while $DGE is the governance token for the DarleyGo universe that is utilized for other special game features.

$GXE tokens are used for transactions like battle entry fees, mission and prize pool rewards, breeding, and the in-house marketplace. Since the supply of $GXE is uncapped, its minting and burning rate will be based purely on DarleyGo’s user-base growth and population.

$DGE, the governance token used for special rewards, will be unlocked in a pre-determined schedule that lasts for 60 months from the start of the public sale. And its total supply will never exceed 1,000,000,000 DGE.

Community Choice Award at Ignition Solana Hackathon

With a solid community supporting us all the way, DarleyGo has emerged as the distinguished recipient of the Community Choice award in the recently concluded IGNITION, a global hackathon by Solana Ventures. Our community has really come together to support us as we bested several other NFT games for this award.

DarleyGo Player Modes

Racing Mode (PVP)

Players can compete against other active players in regular or special racing events for glory and honor while earning our $GXE and $DGE tokens. The player can race up to 12 other active players in each competition. Six levels in the racing mode. All horses start at the Entry Level (Level 0) and then work their way up to Level 5. Higher levels come with even bigger prize pools but are significantly more difficult and challenging. Winning or losing a race can contribute to a horse’s rating as we also have a Class Progression & Regression system. Entry-level horses will initially have a base rating of 15, and they are awarded (or subtracted) points depending on their finishing position.


Players can compete for drills with either AI DarleyHorses or other competing horses to level up their own horses’ skills and experience while earning our Solana-based token, $GXE.


In DarleyGo, we are introducing a game concept that allows a higher chance of getting a superior offspring called the “mutation probability”. This system increases the possibility of producing phenomenal and extraordinary horses ones that are almost as good as their parents or even better.

NFT Horses

Every horse in the DarleyGo universe is unique, with distinct abilities and characteristics according to its pedigree. There are three dominant bloodlines in the DarleyGo universe, and each possesses different abilities and personalities that directly impact how a horse performs during the race. The bloodlines are Darley, Areo, and Hayato.

How are they different from each other?

Darley: Tribe Darley is the strongest tribe of them all. According to their history, their strength came from Zeus after he witnessed the Great Stallion (Darley’s forefather) single-handedly blocked an oncoming flood to save his family.

Patron God: Zeus

Rareness: 5

Areo: The Areo tribe lives in the mountains and coasts. Whenever they visit other tribes, lightning and storms follow. The Areons’ penchant for lightning and storms was gifted by Odin after he was charmed by their gentle nature.

Patron God: Odin

Rareness: 4

Hayato: Hayatons originally came from Earth when their heroic deeds were noticed by Amaterasu. Because they saved a nation from a great calamity, Amaterasu decided to take the original Hayato members to a paradise for horses: the planet Altair.

Patron God: Amaterasu

Rareness: 3

Genesis Horses

A Genesis Horse is considered the purest breed in the DarleyGo universe. As a rule, they cannot be bred or reproduced. There will only be 33,000 Genesis Horses in the game, and they will be fully released within five years. The bloodlines also play a role in the composition of the Genesis Horses. Of the 33,000 Genesis Horses, 60% come from the Hayato bloodline, 30% from Areo bloodline, and only 10% from the elusive Darley bloodline.

Distribution of Genesis Horses

The total supply of our Genesis Horses is fixed, with different percentages per bloodline. Out of the 33,000 Genesis Horses, 60% are from the Hayato bloodline, 30% from the Areo bloodline, and only 10% from the Darley bloodline.

For our first NFT drop, we will release 40% of the total Darley Genesis Horses, 35% for the Hayato Genesis Horses, and 25% for the Areo Genesis Horses. As a way of extending our gratitude to our ever-loving, dedicated community and early supporters, we are dropping the majority of our rarest Darley Genesis Horses in this NFT drop. This means that the succeeding drops will have fewer Darley Genesis Horses for players over the next 5 years period.

The release and distribution of the Genesis Horses will decrease over time because of its limited supply. Since there is a fixed supply of Genesis Horses (33,000), we anticipate that the demand for Genesis Horses will only increase over time — especially given their advantages over other non-genesis horses. We expect that Genesis Horses will become more valuable in the coming years as players start looking for them to breed more powerful horses.

Burning Mechanicsm

We will introduce a horse-burning system as a means of population control and ensuring the overall horses’ quality, given the projected population growth in the next five years. The burning will be available with an increasing yearly limit from the second year onwards.

Players may breed low-quality horses and then choose to “burn” them in exchange for special tokens or other in-game NFT assets.

It is projected that the total horse population in the game platform will have an average of 200% growth per year in the first two years. At the end of the second year, the total number of horses is expected to be about 25x times compared to the beginning. After the five-year period, the horse population in the platform is expected to hit a number of around 500,000 — an approximate 4900% growth from the original number of horses.

DarleyGo aims to help these non-crypto gamers make the leap into the crypto-verse with our P2E game model and exciting horseracing gameplay. The exponential growth will slowly taper off in the fourth year as the horse-burning mechanism is in full swing and the game enters a fully stable phase. DarleyGo will continue to grow in a more controlled and stable manner — thus giving our players and community a safe and steady environment in the future.

Start your journey today

After the five-year distribution period for Genesis Horses, we estimate that the game platform will contain around 500k horses bred from the previous Genesis Horses and their succeeding generations. It is infinitely more convenient and rewarding to get your Genesis Horses as early as possible to maximize breeding or playing opportunities. So, let’s DarleyGo!




First Brand New horse racing game on Solana! Solana’s IGNITION Hackathon winner🏆 | Discord: https://discord.gg/Nef34FeZsT