The Kunlun Mountains — a masterpiece of nature’s craftsmanship.

3 min readMay 25, 2023


The first time I knew about Kunlun mountains was on a website called which is a website dedicated to sharing the fascinating and diverse aspects of China. From mouthwatering cuisine to breathtaking scenery and captivating traditions, They offer a unique perspective on this amazing country. Indeed an interesting site.

Kunlun Mountain is mysterious

(The Nine-Headed Creature with Human Faces depicted in the stone portrait from the first year of the Yan Guang era in the Eastern Han Dynasty is also known as the Kai Ming Beast. It is said to be the guardian beast of the Nine Gates of Kunlun. Its prototype is the divine creature Luwu. Photo source:

Since the “shan hai jing”, numerous ancient works have mentioned Kunlun. Many mythological stories have revolved around the legendary Kunlun, even though many are later associations with no actual connection to Kunlun. The legendary Kunlun seems to possess a unique allure.

The scenery of Kunlun Mountain is magnificent and charming

Kunlun Mountain has a mysterious color, but also has charming scenery and majestic momentum. Here you can see the golden mountains in the sunshine, the emerald-green lakes, the distant glaciers, and the rare Tibetan antelope.

(Kunlun Mountain)
(Bukadaban Peak and Sun Lake)
(Yuzhu Peak)
(Tibetan antelopes in Qiangtang)


Kunlun Mountain is a large mountain range, but there are several famous free places to see the scenery.

1. Kunlun Mountain Pass, with an elevation of 4,700 meters, is mainly known for its photo-worthy stone monument. Crossing Kunlun Mountain Pass leads to Kekexili Nature Reserve.

2. Yuzhu Peak Observation Deck, at an elevation of 4,200 meters, is known for its breathtaking views. Please note that it can be windy here, so wearing a jacket is recommended. Sometimes, military vehicles are in the vicinity, which may restrict the use of drones.

3. Kunlun Holy Spring, at an elevation of 3,200 meters, is a spring formed by the melting water from Kunlun Snow Mountain. The water remains unfrozen even in the cold winter, earning it the name “Unfrozen Spring.” According to folklore, Princess Wencheng passed by this place on her journey to marry the Tibetan king and prayed for blessings from the heavens at this well.

Kunlun Mountain is located in a high-altitude area with minimal human activity, and much of it is uninhabited. If you want to admire the scenery of Kunlun Mountain, it is recommended to be led by a professional guide or team.

