3 sessions from MSIgnite 2017 you should have watched by now

Darrell as a Service
REgarding 365
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2017

This week I joined Christian Buckley and Alistair Pugin to talk about what we’ve been watching from the MSIgnite recordings. As Community Reporters for the event, we didn’t attend many sessions because we were talking to you fine people. Due to the size of the event and the volume of information, everyone — attendees and other IT Pros from around the world have been in catch up mode.

Many of the sessions are recorded and available on the MSIgnite YouTube channel. I shared this tip back in October, to get 3 months free of YouTube Red, so you can create a playlist and download the sessions to watch them offline.

Some sessions have generated conversation that is continuing in the Microsoft Tech Community. View embedded recordings and download the slide decks from the Microsoft Ignite Content 2017 space.

Continued takeaways from MSIgnite — Christian Buckley, Alistair Pugin and myself.

Sessions I missed and watched, that you need to watch

I have a keen interest in change management for Office 365 and adoption of it’s collaboration and communication services. I believe all IT Pro’s can do their part to keep their network of peers and their organisation aware of change, simply by talking about what they have observed and learned. The sessions I list below are recommended viewing for those interested in:

  • Keeping up with change in Office 365.
  • The evolution of what I call “the meeting continuum” with Microsoft Teams.
  • Building simple but rich intranets by combining new tools in SharePoint, Yammer, Teams, OneDrive and Delve.

Keep up with Office 365 evolution in the real world — BRK2040

Slides and conversations — https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Ignite-Content-2017/Keep-up-with-Office-365-evolution-in-the-real-world/m-p/98588#M131

  • Change happens. Keep informed. Use the Office 365 Message Center.
  • Change management has improved in Office 365 using the Message Center. Highlighting Major Updates. Rich content for messages is coming. Digest emails keep you in the loop and remind you to visit the Message Center and other resources for more detail.
  • It’s not enough to just let it happen. The message center now informs you before you need to know — sometimes…

‪Understanding meetings in Microsoft Teams | BRK3333

Slides and conversations — https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Ignite-Content-2017/Understanding-meetings-in-Microsoft-Teams/m-p/99304#M837

  • The continuum of a Teams meeting. It is the conversation thread.
  • Pre conversation,
  • Pre work and assets,
  • during the meeting chat/assets/
  • recording,
  • tasks,
  • following the meeting, continue the thread/discussion/tasks with all the context
  • This will be a massive step towards making meetings more productive, because everything you need is kept together in the conversation.

‪Build your personalized and social intranet with SharePoint, Yammer, Delve, OneDrive and Teams — BRK2185

Slides and conversations — https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Ignite-Content-2017/Build-your-personalized-and-social-intranet-with-SharePoint/m-p/99070#M605

  • Customers — United Airlines (Heavy Planner users, SP2016 upgrade) (Power BI — Geo location data for servers)
  • Digital workplace tools / Building blocks
  • Groups / Graph / Security and Compliance
  • Inner loop — planning environment for Intranet /
  • Outer loop — conversations across the company about Intranet content (Yammer)
  • SharePoint Home page / tile — consider what will appear here
  • News page omnipresence, throughout SharePoint Online and related apps
  • Communication sites
  • Theming
  • Web part gallery
  • Yammer web part for Outer loop
  • Hub sites bring it all together in easily configurable structures. That structure can be reconfigured in the event of a restructure.

Thanks again Christian and Al for the chat about the sessions you have caught up with. Read their posts at:

Catching Up on Post-Ignite Activities with Fellow Community Reporters — Christian Buckley

My post is coming soon — Alistair Pugin

Originally published at webster.

